首页 > 解决方案 > Python pandas: groupby and devide by the first value of each group


I have a pandas dataframe like this.


ID Distance   Speed
1  100        40
1  200        20
1  200        10
2  400        20
2  500        30
2  100        40
2  600        20
2  700        90
3  800        80
3  700        10
3  400        20

I want to groupby the table by ID, and create a new column time by dividing each value in the Distance column by the first row of the Speed column of each ID group. So the result should look like this.


ID Distance   Speed   Time
1  100        40       2.5
1  200        20         5
1  200        10         5
2  400        20        20
2  500        30        25
2  100        40         5
2  600        20        30
2  700        90        35
3  800        80        10
3  700        10      8.75
3  400        20         5

My attempt:

data['Time'] = data['Distance'] / data.loc[data.groupby('ID')['Speed'].head(1).index, 'Speed']

But the result seems to be not good. How do you do it?

标签: pythonpandasdataframepandas-groupby



data['Time'] = data['Distance'] /data.groupby('ID')['Speed'].transform('first')


s = data.drop_duplicates('ID').set_index('ID')['Speed']
data['Time'] = data['Distance'] / data['ID'].map(s)

print (data)
    ID  Distance  Speed   Time
0    1       100     40   2.50
1    1       200     20   5.00
2    1       200     10   5.00
3    2       400     20  20.00
4    2       500     30  25.00
5    2       100     40   5.00
6    2       600     20  30.00
7    2       700     90  35.00
8    3       800     80  10.00
9    3       700     10   8.75
10   3       400     20   5.00
