首页 > 解决方案 > 如何从 IEnumerable 中释放内存


我正在制作一个程序,在 C# 中打印出 Collat​​z 树中的所有节点。这会占用大量内存,并且 outOfMemoryExceptions 已成为当时的热门话题。该程序的基础如下:

        var fileStream = File.Create("collatz.txt"); //just print into a textfile for testing
        var writer = new StreamWriter(fileStream);

        IEnumerable<Node> nodeList = new List<Node>()
            new Node(1, null) //rootNode
        Task flushTask = Task.CompletedTask;
        while (nodeList.Any())
            var tempList = CalcChildren(nodeList); //Return a IEnumerable of children of all the parents in the nodeList
            await flushTask;
            foreach (var node in tempList)
                writer.WriteLine($"{node.Value} -> {node.Parent.Value}: {node.StepsFromRoot}");
            flushTask = writer.FlushAsync();
            nodeList = tempList;


    static IEnumerable<Node> CalcChildren(IEnumerable<Node> parents)
        foreach(var parent in parents)
            foreach (var child in CalcChildren(parent))
                yield return child;

    static IEnumerable<Node> CalcChildren(Node parent)
        var multiValue = parent.CalcMultiplicationValue();
        if (multiValue.HasValue)
            var child = new Node(multiValue.Value, parent);
            parent.MultiplicationChild = child;
            yield return child;
        var divValue = parent.CalcDivisionValue();
        if (divValue.HasValue && divValue.Value!=1)
            var child = new Node(divValue.Value, parent);
            parent.DivisionChild = child;
            yield return child;

我认为这就是问题所在,但为了完整起见,Node 类:

    public class Node
    public Node(int value, Node parent)
        Value = value;
        Parent = parent;
        if (parent != null)
            StepsFromRoot = parent.StepsFromRoot+1;
            StepsFromRoot = 0;

    public int Value { get; }
    public Node Parent { get; set; }

    public Node DivisionChild { get; set; }

    public Node MultiplicationChild { get; set; }

    public int StepsFromRoot { get; set;  }

    public int? CalcMultiplicationValue()
            return 2 * Value;
        return null;

    public int? CalcDivisionValue()
        double newValue = (Value - 1) / 3.0;
        if (newValue % 2 == 1 && newValue >= 1)
            return (int)newValue;
        return null;

我正在尽最大努力减少尽可能多的内存,但它似乎不起作用。大约在第 105 次迭代时,该程序占用了 4 GB 内存!我首先认为这是因为我的 writer 的缓冲区占用了所有内存。现在我认为这是因为垃圾收集器没有清理节点的集合。


标签: c#memory-managementout-of-memoryienumerable

