首页 > 解决方案 > PACT.Net 无法分配请求的地址


我目前正在尝试在 docker 容器中运行我的 pact.net 示例测试,但是我收到以下错误:

Starting test execution, please wait...
pact-consumer-tests    | [xUnit.net 00:00:19.9436627]     
pact_consumer.tests.AddConsumerTest.Add_customer [FAIL]
pact-consumer-tests    | Failed   
pact-consumer-tests    | Error Message:
pact-consumer-tests    |  System.AggregateException : One or more errors 
occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (Cannot assign requested 
address)) (The following constructor parameters did not have matching 
fixture data: ConsumerApiPact data)
pact-consumer-tests    | ---- System.AggregateException : One or more 
errors occurred. (Cannot assign requested address)
pact-consumer-tests    | -------- System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException : 
Cannot assign requested address
pact-consumer-tests    | ------------ System.Net.Sockets.SocketException 
: Cannot assign requested address
pact-consumer-tests    | ---- The following constructor parameters did 
not have matching fixture data: ConsumerApiPact data
pact-consumer-tests    | Stack Trace:
pact-consumer-tests    |
pact-consumer-tests    | ----- Inner Stack Trace #1 
(System.AggregateException) -----
pact-consumer-tests    |    at 
PactNet.Mocks.MockHttpService.Host.RubyHttpHost.Start() in 
net\PactNet\Mocks\MockHttpService\Host\RubyHttpHost.cs:line 65
pact-consumer-tests    |    at PactNet.PactBuilder.MockService(Int32 
port, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings, Boolean enableSsl, 
IPAddress host) in C:\projects\pact-net\PactNet\PactBuilder.cs:line 82
pact-consumer-tests    |    at 
pact_consumer.tests.context.ConsumerApiPact..ctor() in /app/pact- 
consumer.tests/context/ConsumerApiPact.cs:line 27
pact-consumer-tests    | ----- Inner Stack Trace -----
pact-consumer-tests    |    at 
System.Net.Http.ConnectHelper.ConnectAsync(String host, Int32 port, 
CancellationToken cancellationToken)

无论我发送到 Host IPAddress.Any AND IpAddress.Loopback 的框架中,但我似乎仍然遇到这个问题?

我错过了什么吗?它在没有其他服务运行的 docker 容器中运行..

我可以在 OSX 上运行它dotnet test,一切都很好。



标签: dockerpact


System.Net.Sockets.SocketException : Cannot assign requested address绝对看起来系统无法绑定到端口 - 您确定主机上的端口可用(不仅仅是 Docker 容器)?
