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我有一张桌子,上面有评论和回复。我正在使用以下查询来获取 parentid,并从那里获取应该与它们相关的回复 (replyid)。

我面临的问题是,当我获取数据时,我可以按列(replyid)组织它,但我不能按时间戳组织它们。或者似乎 postgresql 完全忽略了二阶。

     parentid     |     replyid      | commentowner  | username |                                              commentbody                                              |        postcreation        
 gLKysUwsL5CVHRIR | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | bob@none.com  | Bobert   | Some Lame Comment....                                                                                 | 2018-05-08 13:21:43.049563
 yt1SLuFzRz1Nlri2 | BG7mm4cj7Q3Ujffs | bob@none.com  | Bobert   | another parent comment                                                                                | 2018-05-08 13:22:05.677257
                  | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | bob@none.com  | Bobert   | latest reply                                                                                          | 2018-05-08 13:22:37.535039
                  | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | bob@none.com  | Bobert   | no I am the latest                                                                                    | 2018-05-08 13:22:52.868424
                  | BG7mm4cj7Q3Ujffs | bob@none.com  | Bobert   | I am a response to  to another parent                                                                 | 2018-05-08 13:23:42.167327
                  | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | mike@none.com | Mikey    | I am a response to  to another parent                                                                 | 2018-05-09 08:27:22.733211
                  | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | mike@none.com | Mikey    | Mike sent this!!                                                                                      | 2018-05-09 08:27:50.1


username  |                            socialkey                             | emailaddress  |                                  bannerpic                                   |                                     avatarpic                                      
 Bobert   | 9784e946c53d44c975ee91625486d758fe630f176d44863080ec689ae3cd536a | bob@none.com  | https://craftedin.co/static/images/user/headers/59d9bce7c33561.24964635.jpg  | https://craftedin.co/static/images/user/avatars/thumbs/59159be40a8c76.26091804.jpg
 Mikey    | 3bcd6c5f811ba06aa49c2df9504fe5416f35702b78bcdc15ecbd5137fabdca59 | mike@none.com | https://i.pinimg.com/originals/29/85/16/298516524d3ed9eb35ea9aae0f111ab3.jpg | https://images.pexels.com/photos/617278/pexels-photo-617278.jpeg



with parents as (select distinct replyid from comments where commentowner = (select emailaddress from users where SocialKey = ('9784e946c53d44c975ee91625486d758fe630f176d44863080ec689ae3cd536a')) and parentid IS NOT NULL LIMIT 5 ), socialkeys as (select distinct socialkey,emailaddress,avatarpic from users) select distinct comments.parentid, comments.replyid,comments.username, comments.commentbody,comments.postcreation   from comments left join parents on parents.replyid = comments.replyid left join socialkeys on comments.commentowner = socialkeys.emailaddress where parents.replyid = comments.replyid order by  replyid, postcreation;


     parentid     |     replyid      | username |                                     commentbody                                     |        postcreation        
 gLKysUwsL5CVHRIR | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | Some Lame Comment....                                                               | 2018-05-08 13:21:43.049563
                  | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | latest reply                                                                        | 2018-05-08 13:22:37.535039
                  | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | no I am the latest                                                                  | 2018-05-08 13:22:52.868424
                  | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Mikey    | I am a response to  to another parent                                               | 2018-05-09 08:27:22.733211
                  | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Mikey    | Mike sent this!!                                                                    | 2018-05-09 08:27:50.140229
                  | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | bob                                                                                 | 2018-06-28 14:22:07.131133
                  | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | Oh so this really does work?                                                        | 2018-06-28 14:27:02.956613
                  | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | this is a reply                                                                     | 2018-06-28 17:41:49.071165
 wpdcBFUft0r597IK | 4WMFSMSTSomjdoD9 | Bobert   | this is parent comment number 5 I think the database is set to limit 5...           | 2018-06-28 18:15:47.534429
 yt1SLuFzRz1Nlri2 | BG7mm4cj7Q3Ujffs | Bobert   | another parent comment                                                              | 2018-05-08 13:22:05.677257
                  | BG7mm4cj7Q3Ujffs | Bobert   | I am a response to  to another parent                                               | 2018-05-08 13:23:42.167327
                  | BG7mm4cj7Q3Ujffs | Bobert   | Another lame     coment reply                                                       | 2018-05-19 12:55:56.090902
 pw22kSb7MdA9Nx5G | MD3jA9znknV9c3p7 | Bobert   | This is a new comment from bobbert on the new interfce                              | 2018-06-28 18:03:30.05851
 bffV59nEQRg5YtP3 | tIZYNjkyzoHhKfza | Bobert   | This is comment # 6... This should show up becasue it is the newest! of the newsts! | 2018-06-28 18:16:12.823547


         parentid     |     replyid      | username |                                     commentbody                                     |        postcreation        
     gLKysUwsL5CVHRIR | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | Some Lame Comment....                                                               | 2018-05-08 13:21:43.049563
                      | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | latest reply                                                                        | 2018-05-08 13:22:37.535039
                      | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | no I am the latest                                                                  | 2018-05-08 13:22:52.868424
                      | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Mikey    | I am a response to  to another parent                                               | 2018-05-09 08:27:22.733211
                      | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Mikey    | Mike sent this!!                                                                    | 2018-05-09 08:27:50.140229
                      | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | bob                                                                                 | 2018-06-28 14:22:07.131133
                      | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | Oh so this really does work?                                                        | 2018-06-28 14:27:02.956613
                      | 3X77KW5t9X43Psfp | Bobert   | this is a reply                                                                     | 2018-06-28 17:41:49.071165
     yt1SLuFzRz1Nlri2 | BG7mm4cj7Q3Ujffs | Bobert   | another parent comment                                                              | 2018-05-08 13:22:05.677257
                      | BG7mm4cj7Q3Ujffs | Bobert   | I am a response to  to another parent                                               | 2018-05-08 13:23:42.167327
                      | BG7mm4cj7Q3Ujffs | Bobert   | Another lame     coment reply                                                       | 2018-05-19 12:55:56.090902
     pw22kSb7MdA9Nx5G | MD3jA9znknV9c3p7 | Bobert   | This is a new comment from bobbert on the new interfce                              | 2018-06-28 18:03:30.05851
     wpdcBFUft0r597IK | 4WMFSMSTSomjdoD9 | Bobert   | this is parent comment number 5 I think the database is set to limit 5...           | 2018-06-28 18:15:47.534429
     bffV59nEQRg5YtP3 | tIZYNjkyzoHhKfza | Bobert   | This is comment # 6... This should show up becasue it is the newest! of the newsts! | 2018-06-28 18:16:12.823547



标签: postgresqlsql-order-byquery-optimizationcalculated-columns


根据您的说法,从 2 个输出看来, parentid = wpdcBFUft0r597IK 的条目顺序错误。只有一个具有该 parentid 的条目,因此您的查询不关心您的 parentid 出现的顺序。如果您确实希望按 parentid 的 postcreation 排序,请尝试将您的查询更改为以下内容。

with parents
as (select replyid,
           min(postcreation) postcreation
    from comments
    where commentowner = (select emailaddress
                          from users
                          where socialkey = ('9784e946c53d44c975ee91625486d758fe630f176d44863080ec689ae3cd536a'))
          and parentid is not null 
    group by replyid limit 5),
as (select distinct socialkey,
    from users)
select distinct parents.postcreation,
from comments
left join parents on parents.replyid = comments.replyid
left join socialkeys on comments.commentowner = socialkeys.emailaddress
where parents.replyid = comments.replyid
order by parents.postcreation,

我将您父母的 CTE 更改为 group by,以便您可以在 order by 中使用 MIN POSTCREATION。我还用表名限定了 ORDER BY 字段,以防对 REPLYID 进行排序不明确。

