首页 > 解决方案 > jsdoc - 为多个功能重用文档?



 * Show dialog in a blocking manner.
 * @param {object} opts
 * @param {string} opts.msg "Body" of the dialog.
 * @param {number} opts.timeout Seconds - floating point values are rounded. (ActiveX imposes this)
 * @param {string} opts.title Title of the dialog.
 * @param {number} opts.icon Use constants for this. (See docs)
 * @param {number} opts.buttons Use constants for this. (See docs)
 * @param {number} opts.defaultButton Use constants for this. (See docs)
 * @returns {number} Use our constants to check for what the user chose.
const showSync = (opts) => {

但我也有这个函数的非阻塞版本,显然采用相同的选项并返回一个 Promise。复制/粘贴文档似乎很脏,因为这会降低可维护性和意外不一致的可能性。


 * Shows dialog in a non-blocking manner.
 * @inheritdoc showSync
 * @returns {Promise<number>} Use our constants to check for what the user chose.
const show = (opts) => {



这不是重复使用 Function 接口的 JSDoc的副本,因为这个问题只是关于重用相同的定义,而这个问题是关于重用但也部分覆盖了该定义。因此,那里的答案并没有回答这里的问题。

标签: jsdocjsdoc3


我认为用 jsdoc 做到这一点的最好方法是这样的:

 * Options for showing a dialog.
 * @typedef {Object} ShowOptions
 * @property {string} msg "Body" of the dialog.
 * @property {number} timeout Seconds - floating point values are rounded. (ActiveX imposes this)
 * @property {string} title Title of the dialog.
 * @property {number} icon Use constants for this. (See docs)
 * @property {number} buttons Use constants for this. (See docs)
 * @property {number} defaultButton Use constants for this. (See docs)

 * Show dialog in a blocking manner.
 * @param {ShowOptions} opts
 * @returns {number} Use our constants to check for what the user chose.
const showSync = (opts) => {...}

 * Shows dialog in a non-blocking manner.
 * @param {ShowOptions} opts
 * @returns {Promise<number>} Use our constants to check for what the user chose.
const show = (opts) => {...}


 * Use our constants to check for what the user chose.
 * @typedef {number} ShowResult 

 * Show dialog in a blocking manner.
 * @param {ShowOptions} opts
 * @returns {ShowResult} 
const showSync = (opts) => {...}

 * Shows dialog in a non-blocking manner.
 * @param {ShowOptions} opts
 * @returns {Promise<ShowResult>}
const show = (opts) => {...}
