首页 > 解决方案 > abcPDF eForm 单选字段 - 值选项包含特殊字符


标签: c#.netabcpdf


I reached out to the WebSupergoo team, and they were extremely helpful. They explained there wasn't a way to select the radio buttons by some sort of index, and that the strings each option refers to has to match the string in the form option.

To that end, there is no way to select the radio button without interacting with the Option object's string, and since the string is malformed, the normal option select code is not working.

As a work-around, in case anyone else finds themselves in my shoes, the WebSupergoo team provided this function:

/// <summary>
/// Checks each field to ensure it has properly formatted options
/// </summary>
/// <param name="field"></param>
/// <returns>An array of options that have been safely formatted</returns>
private static string[] VetField(Field field)
    List<string> options = new List<string>();
    foreach (Field kid in field.Kids)
        bool different = false;
        DictAtom ap1 = kid.Resolve(Atom.GetItem(kid.Atom, "AP")) as DictAtom;
        if (ap1 == null) continue;
        DictAtom ap2 = new DictAtom();
        foreach (var pair1 in ap1)
            DictAtom apType1 = kid.Resolve(pair1.Value) as DictAtom;
            Debug.Assert(apType1 != null); // should never happen
            DictAtom apType2 = new DictAtom();
            ap2[pair1.Key] = apType2;
            foreach (var pair2 in apType1)
                string name1 = pair2.Key;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (char c in name1)
                    if (c < 128)
                string name2 = sb.ToString();
                if (name1 != name2)
                    different = true;
                apType2[name2] = pair2.Value;
                if (pair1.Key == "N")
        if (different)
                ((DictAtom)kid.Atom)["AP"] = ap2;
    return options.ToArray();

which checks the Option field's strings for formatting issues, and returns a sanitized list of options. So, using the code in the question as an example, I would be able to properly select option radio buttons by doing the following:

Doc theDoc = new Doc();

Field areYouHappy = theDoc.Form["Q28_happy"];
string[] options = VetField(areYouHappy); //uses above function to check for formatting errors

areYouHappy.Value = options[0];

This method works great, and I hope it can help someone else in the future!
