首页 > 解决方案 > 运行搜索数组


我正在尝试使用目标值从用户输入中搜索整数数组,在这种情况下,称为“searchArray”。每次我运行一个维度为 5 且值为 {1 5 9 7 3} 并以目标值为 9 搜索该数组时,它会打印出正确的信息“在索引 2 处找到值 9,进行 3 次检查!在数组中找不到值 v!”。我需要值 v 的最后一部分不打印出来。我觉得我为 if else 语句设置了正确的范围,但由于某种原因,它仍然打印出在数组中找不到的内容,即使它是。 输出示例

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main () {

//similar to lab02, except we are searching values through the array
    int dimension;
    int counter = 0;

//ask size of array from user
    cout << "Enter the size of the array: " << endl ;
    cin >> dimension;

//check the validity of the dimension sizes
    if (dimension < 1 || dimension > 10 ) {
    cout << "ERROR: You entered an invalid value for the array size!";

//ask the user to enter the values in array size given
    int searchArray;
    int arr[dimension];

    cout <<"Enter the numbers in the array, separated by a space and press enter: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
    cin >> arr[i];

//ask the user to enter the integer to search through array
     cout << "Please enter the key to search in the array: ";
     cin >> searchArray;

//use for loop to iterate through array while checking searchArray
    for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
    counter = counter + 1;

    if (searchArray == arr[i]) {
        cout << "Found value " << searchArray << " at index " << i << ", taking " << counter << " checks !";

    if (counter == 1 && searchArray == arr[i]) {
        cout << "We ran into the best case scenario! " << endl;

}   else if (counter == dimension && searchArray == arr[i]) {
        cout << "We ran into the worst-case scenario!" << endl; 

    else if (counter == dimension && searchArray != arr[i]) { 
        cout << "The value v was not found in the array!" << endl;


标签: c++


首先,您可能会更改您的 if 条件,因为您已经测试过一次searchArray == arr[i]

if (searchArray == arr[i]) {
    cout << "Found value " << searchArray << " at index " << i << ", taking " << counter << " checks !";
    if (counter == 1) {
       cout << "We ran into the best case scenario! " << endl;
    }else if(counter == dimension) {
        cout << "We ran into the worst-case scenario!" << endl; 


find = false;    

for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
   counter = counter + 1;

   if (searchArray == arr[i]) {
       cout << "Found value " << searchArray << " at index " << i << ", taking " << counter << " checks !";
       find = true;
       if (counter == 1) {
           cout << "We ran into the best case scenario! " << endl;
       }else if(counter == dimension) {
           cout << "We ran into the worst-case scenario!" << endl; 
if (!find){
    cout << "The value v was not found in the array!" << endl;
