首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在每个场景之前运行后台



例子 :

有3个场景和1个背景。简而言之,Background 应该表现得像 @BeforeMethod 的测试


  1. 背景然后场景 1 (@Dev,@tagteacher1)
  2. 再次是背景,然后是 Scenario2 (@Dev,@tagteacher2)
  3. 再次是背景,然后是场景 3 (@Dev,@tagteacher3)
    Feature: Teachers' timesheet need to be filled


      Scenario Outline: Open Webpage
        Given User Open teacher application with given <ENDPOINT> 
        And   Login into application with given <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD>
        And User clicks on teacher submission link

          | endpoint                       | USERNAME | PASSWORD    |
          | http://teachersheetdev.ggn.com | sdrdev| aknewdev|

          | endpoint                      | USERNAME | PASSWORD    |
          | http://teachersheetqa.ggn.com | sdrqa | aknewdev|

    Scenario1: Open app home page and click the button1
    Given I'm at the teachersheet homepage
    When User clicks Add Task button
    Then User should see the tasks schedule

    Scenario1: Open app home page and click the button2
    Given I'm at the teachersheet homepage
    When User clicks Add Task button
    Then User should see the tasks schedule

    Scenario1: Open app home page and click the button3
    Given I'm at the teachersheet homepage
    When User clicks Add Task button
    Then User should see the tasks schedule

    import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
        import com.optum.synergy.common.ui.controller.WebController;
        import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
        import cucumber.api.SnippetType;
        import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;

                plugin = { "json:target/test_results/cucumber.json"}, 
                features = { "src/main/resources/ui/features" },
             tags ={"@Dev,@tagteacher"},
                snippets = SnippetType.CAMELCASE


        public class CucumberRunnerTest {

            public static void tearDown(){

当我想使用 Dev 或 QA 环境运行时如何使用标签?

标签: cucumbercucumber-java


您可以通过在配置文件中设置您正在使用的站点(无论是 dev 还是 qa 站点)来更轻松地实现这一点,并将用户名和密码移动到步骤定义中,使用与它是否是 QA 或开发。


    Given the user has opened the teachers application
    And they have logged in

Scenario: Open app home page and view the task schedule
  Given they are on the teachersheet homepage
  When they start to add a task
  Then they should see the task schedule

Scenario: Open app home page and view the task schedule
  Given they are on the teachersheet homepage
  When they start to add a task
  Then they should see the task schedule


作为旁注,请考虑您使用的措辞。如果您正在测试网站的设计,那么单击按钮非常好,但是使用 Cucumber 的主要原因是表达意图 - 描述用户应该如何在网站中移动,而不用担心实现细节。这是为了弥合业务和开发团队之间的沟通鸿沟,这样他们就可以弄清楚正在测试哪些场景。实现细节隐藏了测试的意图。
