首页 > 解决方案 > redis哨兵故障转移后返回老主人


我有 3 盒 redis sentinel 设置:

 CLIENT (connects to S1)
       | M1 | us-east-1
       | S1 |
+----+    |    +----+
| R2 |----+----| R3 |
| S2 |         | S3 |
+----+         +----+
us-east-2      us-west-2

M1 - Master
S1 - Sentinel 1
S2 - Sentinel 2
S3 - Sentinel 3
R2 - First slave (R=replica)
R3 - Second slave

在我的主人去世后,哨兵故障转移到 R2。我将 M1 带回联机(清除了一些磁盘空间),现在 M1 还活着并且很好,但它是 R2 的奴隶。是否有一种自动方式(或半自动方式)让 M1 再次成为主服务器,R2 成为 M1 的从属服务器,我的流量再次使用 M1 作为主 redis 实例?


当前发生的情况是它选择 R2 作为主机并将其重新配置为:

CLIENT (connects to S1)
       |[R2]| us-east-2
       | S2 |
+----+    |    +----+
|[M1]|----+----| R3 |
| S1 |         | S3 |
+----+         +----+
us-east-1      us-west-2

当我手动进行故障转移时,它会将 R3 提升为主服务器。(这是意料之中的)。

但是当我再次手动故障转移时,它会提升 R2,但我希望它会提升 M1。

所有连续的故障转移都在 R2 和 R2 之间轮换(同时始终保持 M1 作为其中任何一个的从属)。

我的 M1 从属优先级未指定,因此这意味着它的默认值是 100。我的 R2 从属优先级是 200,R2 是 300。这让我认为它应该旋转所有 3 个框,但它只旋转 R2 和 R3在初始故障转移之后。


标签: redishigh-availabilityredis-sentinel


I think kiddorails's answer is correct, but most probably you have a similar problem as I had, where for some reason your original master is not replicating correctly. Once I fixed my replication issue, I could cycle through my masters by issueing SENTINEL FAILOVER mymaster. Initially it would just bounce between the two original slaves, but now that my original master is correctly replicating, it is cycling through all 3. So I would recommend checking the replication of your original master after a failover. if you are sure it is working, you could also stop the other slave and then use the SENTINEL FAILOVER mymaster command to force a failover to the original master. If that fails, you know there must be an issue with the replication.
