首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 PIL 在单个白色背景上检测和裁剪多个图像?


我刚刚开始使用 PIL,我需要帮助来使用 PIL 检测和裁剪单个白色背景上的多个图像。它们可以是不同的大小并且位于不同的位置。现在,我只能裁剪出一张图像。请帮忙,谢谢!

def trim(im):
    bg = Image.new(im.mode, im.size, im.getpixel((0,0)))
    diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
    diff = ImageChops.add(diff, diff, 2.0, -100)
    bbox = diff.getbbox()
    if bbox:
        return im.crop(bbox)
        print("No image detected")

image1 = Image.open('multiple.jpg')
image2 = test(image1)

标签: pythonimagepython-imaging-librarywhitespacecrop



from PIL import Image, ImageChops

def crop(im, white):
    bg = Image.new(im.mode, im.size, white)
    diff = ImageChops.difference(im, bg)
    bbox = diff.getbbox()
    if bbox:
        return im.crop(bbox)

def split(im, white):
    # Is there a horizontal white line?
    whiteLine = Image.new(im.mode, (im.width, 1), white)
    for y in range(im.height):
        line = im.crop((0, y, im.width, y+1))
        if line.tobytes() == whiteLine.tobytes():
            # There is a white line
            # So we can split the image into two
            # and for efficiency, crop it
            ims = [
                crop(im.crop((0, 0, im.width, y)), white),
                crop(im.crop((0, y+1, im.width, im.height)), white)
            # Now, because there may be white lines within the two subimages
            # Call split again, making this recursive
            return [sub_im for im in ims for sub_im in split(im, white)]

    # Is there a vertical white line?
    whiteLine = Image.new(im.mode, (1, im.height), white)
    for x in range(im.width):
        line = im.crop((x, 0, x+1, im.height))
        if line.tobytes() == whiteLine.tobytes():
            ims = [
                crop(im.crop((0, 0, x, im.height)), white),
                crop(im.crop((x+1, 0, im.width, im.height)), white)
            return [sub_im for im in ims for sub_im in split(im, white)]

    # There are no horizontal or vertical white lines
    return [im]

def trim(im):
    # You have defined the pixel at (0, 0) as white in your code
    white = im.getpixel((0,0))

    # Initial crop
    im = crop(im, white)
    if im:
        return split(im, white)
        print("No image detected")

image1 = Image.open('multiple.jpg')
