首页 > 解决方案 > ML Engine Google Cloud Platform,从已部署模型中的字符串解析特征


我在 ML Engine - Google Cloud Platform 上使用 TensorFlow 来解决回归问题。我需要向 ML Engine 发送一个包含日期的张量字符串,例如“2018/06/05 23:00”,然后我部署的模型从那里提取基本上是(年、月、日、小时)的特征。对于上面的示例,将是 (2018, 06, 05, 23)。问题是我需要在 ML Engine 的已部署模型中执行此操作,而不是在中间 API 中执行。

首先,我所做的是使人口普查模型教程适应我的回归问题。 https://cloud.google.com/ml-engine/docs/tensorflow/getting-started-training-prediction

gcloud ml-engine models create $MODEL_NAME ...在本教程中,他们通过终端使用 gcloud 命令在 ML Engine 中部署模型。


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np 
date_time = tf.placeholder(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.string, name="ph_date_time")

INPUT_COLUMNS=["year", "month", "day", "hour"]

split_date_time = tf.string_split(date_time, ' ')

date = split_date_time.values[0]
time = split_date_time.values[1]

split_date = tf.string_split([date], '-')
split_time = tf.string_split([time], ':')

year = split_date.values[0]
month = split_date.values[1]
day = split_date.values[2]
hours = split_time.values[0]
minutes = split_time.values[1]

year = tf.string_to_number(year, out_type=tf.int32, name="year_temp")
month = tf.string_to_number(month, out_type=tf.int32, name="month_temp")
day = tf.string_to_number(day, out_type=tf.int32, name="day_temp")
hours = tf.string_to_number(hours, out_type=tf.int32, name="hour_temp")
minutes = tf.string_to_number(minutes, out_type=tf.int32, name="minute_temp")

year = tf.expand_dims(year, 0, name="year")
month = tf.expand_dims(month, 0, name="month")
day = tf.expand_dims(day, 0, name="day")
hours = tf.expand_dims(hours, 0, name="hours")
minutes = tf.expand_dims(minutes, 0, name="minutes")

features = []
features = np.append(features, year)
features = np.append(features, month)
features = np.append(features, day)
features = np.append(features, hours)

# this would be the actual features to the deployed model
actual_features = dict(zip(INPUT_COLUMNS, features))

with tf.Session() as sess:
    year, month, day, hours, minutes = sess.run([year, month, day, hours, minutes], feed_dict={date_time: ["2018-12-31 22:59"]})
    print("Year =", year)
    print("Month =", month)
    print("Day =", day)
    print("Hours =", hours)
    print("Minutes =", minutes)

问题是我不知道如何告诉 ML Engine 使用上面的解析。我知道它与input_fn定义模型或serving_input_fn用于导出模型有关,但我不确定我是否必须将我的代码粘贴到两者或其中之一中,任何建议将不胜感激,抱歉如果解释不清楚。

标签: pythontensorflowmachine-learninggoogle-cloud-platformgoogle-cloud-ml



  1. 创建一个input_fn用于训练的,通常使用tf.data.Dataset. 应该调用辅助函数来进行数据转换,就像你的代码中的input_fn那些。输出将是特征名称到批次值的字典。
  2. 为您的输出中的项目定义 FeatureColumns input_fn。如有必要,请执行特征交叉、分桶等操作。
  3. 实例化估计器(例如DnnRegressor),将 FeatureColumns 传递给构造函数
  4. 创建一个input_fn专门用于服务的,具有一个或多个tf.PlaceholderNone可变批量大小)作为外部维度。从 (1) 中调用相同的辅助函数来进行转换。返回tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver带有占位符作为输入的 a 和一个与 (1) 中的 dict 看起来相同的 dict。

您的特殊情况需要一些额外的细节。首先,您已将批量大小为 1 的硬编码到占位符中,相应的代码继续该假设。您的占位符必须有shape=[None].



import tensorflow as tf

# tf.string_split returns a SparseTensor. When using a variable batch size,
# this can be difficult to further manipulate. In our case, we don't need
# a SparseTensor, because we have a fixed number of elements each split.
# So we do the split and convert the SparseTensor to a dense tensor.
def fixed_split(batched_string_tensor, delimiter, num_cols):
    # When splitting a batch of elements, the values array is row-major, e.g.
    # ["2018-01-02", "2019-03-04"] becomes ["2018", "01", "02", "2019", "03", "04"].
    # So we simply split the string then reshape the array to create a dense
    # matrix with the same rows as the input, but split into columns, e.g.,
    # [["2018", "01", "02"], ["2019", "03", "04"]]
    split = tf.string_split(batched_string_tensor, delimiter)
    return tf.reshape(split.values, [-1, num_cols])

def parse_dates(dates):  
    split_date_time = fixed_split(dates, ' ', 2)

    date = split_date_time[:, 0]
    time = split_date_time[:, 1]

    # The values of the resulting SparseTensor will alternate between year, month, and day
    split_date = fixed_split(date, '-', 3)
    split_time = fixed_split(time, ':', 2)

    year = split_date[:, 0]
    month = split_date[:, 1]
    day = split_date[:, 2]
    hours = split_time[:, 0]
    minutes = split_time[:, 1]

    year = tf.string_to_number(year, out_type=tf.int32, name="year_temp")
    month = tf.string_to_number(month, out_type=tf.int32, name="month_temp")
    day = tf.string_to_number(day, out_type=tf.int32, name="day_temp")
    hours = tf.string_to_number(hours, out_type=tf.int32, name="hour_temp")
    minutes = tf.string_to_number(minutes, out_type=tf.int32, name="minute_temp")

    return {"year": year, "month": month, "day": day, "hours": hours, "minutes": minutes}

def training_input_fn():
    filenames = ["/var/data/file1.txt", "/var/data/file2.txt"]
    dataset = tf.data.TextLineDataset(filenames)    
    return parse_dates(iterator.get_next())

def serving_input_fn():
    date_strings = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string, shape=[None], name="date_strings")
    features = parse_dates(date_strings)
    return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(features, date_strings)

with tf.Session() as sess:
    date_time_list = ["2018-12-31 22:59", "2018-01-23 2:09"]

    date_strings = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string, shape=[None], name="date_strings")
    features = parse_dates(date_strings)

    fetches = [features[k] for k in ["year", "month", "day", "hours", "minutes"]]
    year, month, day, hours, minutes = sess.run(fetches, feed_dict={date_strings: date_time_list})
    print("Year =", year)
    print("Month =", month)
    print("Day =", day)
    print("Hours =", hours)
    print("Minutes =", minutes)
