首页 > 解决方案 > 以数组值作为键的数组合并


我正在尝试转换产品数据的多维数组,其中将 PayPal 电子邮件设置为数组值之一(某些值可能相同)。我需要帮助将它们合并为 paypal_email 键相同的数组。这是print_r我拥有的数组。

    [0] => Array
            [name] => Test Product
            [product_id] => 307
            [variation_id] => 0
            [subtotal] => 30
            [total] => 30
            [quantity] => 2
            [subtotal_tax] => 2.66
            [total_tax] => 2.66
            [paypal_email] => thisismytestpaypal@sandbox.com
            [vendor_id] => 2
            [shipping] => Array
                    [shipping_total] => 25.00
                    [shipping_tax] => 2.22


    [1] => Array
            [name] => Album
            [product_id] => 354
            [variation_id] => 0
            [subtotal] => 15
            [total] => 15
            [quantity] => 1
            [subtotal_tax] => 1.33
            [total_tax] => 1.33
            [paypal_email] => thisismytestpaypal@sandbox.com
            [vendor_id] => 11
            [shipping] => Array
                    [shipping_total] => 25.00
                    [shipping_tax] => 2.22


    [2] => Array
            [name] => Beanie with Logo
            [product_id] => 357
            [variation_id] => 0
            [subtotal] => 18
            [total] => 18
            [quantity] => 1
            [subtotal_tax] => 1.60
            [total_tax] => 1.60
            [paypal_email] => ab2@sandbox.com
            [vendor_id] => 10
            [shipping] => Array
                    [shipping_total] => 25.00
                    [shipping_tax] => 2.22


    [3] => Array
            [name] => Long Sleeve Tee
            [product_id] => 352
            [variation_id] => 0
            [subtotal] => 75
            [total] => 75
            [quantity] => 3
            [subtotal_tax] => 6.66
            [total_tax] => 6.66
            [paypal_email] => ab2@sandbox.com
            [vendor_id] => 2
            [shipping] => Array
                    [shipping_total] => 25.00
                    [shipping_tax] => 2.22


    [4] => Array
            [name] => Polo
            [product_id] => 353
            [variation_id] => 0
            [subtotal] => 80
            [total] => 80
            [quantity] => 4
            [subtotal_tax] => 7.10
            [total_tax] => 7.10
            [paypal_email] => tv3@sandbox.com
            [vendor_id] => 8
            [shipping] => Array
                    [shipping_total] => 25.00
                    [shipping_tax] => 2.22


    [5] => Array
            [name] => Product From Test Vendor 3
            [product_id] => 145
            [variation_id] => 0
            [subtotal] => 60
            [total] => 60
            [quantity] => 3
            [subtotal_tax] => 5.33
            [total_tax] => 5.33
            [paypal_email] => tv3@sandbox.com
            [vendor_id] => 10
            [shipping] => Array
                    [shipping_total] => 25.00
                    [shipping_tax] => 2.22


    [6] => Array
            [name] => Product From Vendor 1
            [product_id] => 143
            [variation_id] => 0
            [subtotal] => 20
            [total] => 20
            [quantity] => 2
            [subtotal_tax] => 1.78
            [total_tax] => 1.78
            [paypal_email] => tv1@sandbox.com
            [vendor_id] => 8
            [shipping] => Array
                    [shipping_total] => 25.00
                    [shipping_tax] => 2.22




(   [thisismytestpaypal@sandbox.com] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [name] => Test Product
                [product_id] => 307
                [variation_id] => 0
                [subtotal] => 30
                [total] => 30
                [quantity] => 2
                [subtotal_tax] => 2.66
                [total_tax] => 2.66
                [paypal_email] => thisismytestpaypal@sandbox.com
                [vendor_id] => 2
                [shipping] => Array
                        [shipping_total] => 25.00
                        [shipping_tax] => 2.22


        [1] => Array
                [name] => Album
                [product_id] => 354
                [variation_id] => 0
                [subtotal] => 15
                [total] => 15
                [quantity] => 1
                [subtotal_tax] => 1.33
                [total_tax] => 1.33
                [paypal_email] => thisismytestpaypal@sandbox.com
                [vendor_id] => 11
                [shipping] => Array
                        [shipping_total] => 25.00
                        [shipping_tax] => 2.22


    [ab2@sandbox.com] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [name] => Beanie with Logo
                [product_id] => 357
                [variation_id] => 0
                [subtotal] => 18
                [total] => 18
                [quantity] => 1
                [subtotal_tax] => 1.60
                [total_tax] => 1.60
                [paypal_email] => ab2@sandbox.com
                [vendor_id] => 10
                [shipping] => Array
                        [shipping_total] => 25.00
                        [shipping_tax] => 2.22


        [1] => Array
                [name] => Long Sleeve Tee
                [product_id] => 352
                [variation_id] => 0
                [subtotal] => 75
                [total] => 75
                [quantity] => 3
                [subtotal_tax] => 6.66
                [total_tax] => 6.66
                [paypal_email] => ab2@sandbox.com
                [vendor_id] => 2
                [shipping] => Array
                        [shipping_total] => 25.00
                        [shipping_tax] => 2.22


    [tv3@sandbox.com] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [name] => Polo
                [product_id] => 353
                [variation_id] => 0
                [subtotal] => 80
                [total] => 80
                [quantity] => 4
                [subtotal_tax] => 7.10
                [total_tax] => 7.10
                [paypal_email] => tv3@sandbox.com
                [vendor_id] => 8
                [shipping] => Array
                        [shipping_total] => 25.00
                        [shipping_tax] => 2.22


        [1] => Array
                [name] => Product From Test Vendor 3
                [product_id] => 145
                [variation_id] => 0
                [subtotal] => 60
                [total] => 60
                [quantity] => 3
                [subtotal_tax] => 5.33
                [total_tax] => 5.33
                [paypal_email] => tv3@sandbox.com
                [vendor_id] => 10
                [shipping] => Array
                        [shipping_total] => 25.00
                        [shipping_tax] => 2.22

    [tv1@sandbox.com] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [name] => Product From Vendor 1
                [product_id] => 143
                [variation_id] => 0
                [subtotal] => 20
                [total] => 20
                [quantity] => 2
                [subtotal_tax] => 1.78
                [total_tax] => 1.78
                [paypal_email] => tv1@sandbox.com
                [vendor_id] => 8
                [shipping] => Array
                        [shipping_total] => 25.00
                        [shipping_tax] => 2.22




标签: phparraysmultidimensional-arrayarray-merge


$orders = [.....]; //your array
$mappedOrders = [];
foreach($orders as $order) {
    $mail = $order['paypal_email'];
    if(!isset($mappedOrders[$mail])) { $mappedOrders[$mail] = []; }  //create new array in map if $mail index not exists
    $mappedOrders[$mail][] = $order;  // push order into array for mapped array

