首页 > 解决方案 > 从 iOS 9.3.5 到最新 iOS 的 HTML 差异


我的任务是创建一个简单的页面,该页面将比较两个字符串以查看它们是否匹配。扫描枪用户会单独使用输入的字符,并且在发现 iOS 讨厌.focus()字段后,因为键盘总是在选择字段时打开。

在我提供的 iPad 上进行测试时(最新的 iOS)一切正常,当我们准备发布时,我们发现用户将使用的 iPad 是老一代,并锁定在 9.3.5。

“没问题”我想,但我错了。页面正在加载,但似乎没有一个 JS 启动。

我在这里包括了我的来源,我认为它有足够的文档记录并且非常直接。我并不是非常精通 iPad 的测试,尤其是任何 iOS,所以我希望任何熟悉 iOS HTML/JS 陷阱的人都可以快速浏览一下,看看是否有任何危险信号。




        <body type="original">



                    <br><br><img src="Logo.png" alt="Logo"><br>





                    <input id="promptField" value="Press clear to start scanning." type="focus" oninput ="allocateValue()">

                    <input id="serialInputOne" onclick="document.getElementById('promptField').focus();" type="text"><br>

                    <input id="serialInputTwo" onclick="document.getElementById('promptField').focus();" type="text"><br>

                    <input id="clear" onclick ="clearFields()"  type="submit" value="Clear">




        <script type="text/javascript">

            function allocateValue(){
                // Timeout length (300) calibrated to how long the gun takes to register, at the moment, the longest string we handle: 8.  If we start using longer strings, setTimeout length should be adjusted accordingly.
                    let clearCode = 11212001;
                    if(filterNumbers(document.getElementById('promptField').value) === undefined){
                            return false;
                    } else if (filterNumbers(document.getElementById('promptField').value) === clearCode){
                        // 11212001 is the Clear bar code output. Length is intentionally longer then our longest serial code to prevent a highly unlikely match. If we start using longer strings, Clear code should also be extended.
                    } else {
                        let serial = filterNumbers(document.getElementById('promptField').value).toString();
                        let inputOne = document.getElementById('serialInputOne').value;
                        let inputTwo = document.getElementById('serialInputTwo').value;
                        let errorCode = '*';
                        if (inputOne === "") {
                            document.getElementById('serialInputOne').value = serial;
                            document.getElementById('promptField').value = 'Scan a matching serial number.';
                        }else if(inputTwo === "" || document.getElementById('promptField').value[0] ===errorCode) {
                            // Using "*" as a condition helps future implementations.  If any additional unique errors need to be added, have it start with the asterisk. 
                            document.getElementById('serialInputTwo').value = serial;
                            inputTwo = serial;
                            checkFields(inputOne, inputTwo);
                        }else if(inputOne === inputTwo){
                }, 300)

            function checkFields(inputOne, inputTwo) {
                if (inputOne === inputTwo) {
                    document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#27AE60";
                    document.getElementById('promptField').value = 'Match! A new process will automatically start when you scan again.';
                    document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#C9282E";
                    document.getElementById('promptField').value = '**Not a match. Either scan it\'s correct match, or Clear with the button or scan the Clear bar code.**';

            function additionalCheckResetFields(){
                document.getElementById('serialInputOne').value = filterNumbers(document.getElementById('promptField').value);
                document.getElementById('promptField').value = 'Scan a matching serial number.';
                document.getElementById('serialInputTwo').value = '';
                document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#1B46A8";

            function clearFields(){
                document.getElementById('promptField').value = 'Start with your first serial number.';
                document.getElementById('serialInputOne').value = '';
                document.getElementById('serialInputTwo').value = '';
                document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#1B46A8";

            function filterNumbers(field){
                // returns a array, indexing each number. Since the none of the promptField values have numbers, it will only return one number: the serial input.
                // if a promptField is ever changes where a number is involved, the serial is always located at the end of the field, thus the last index of numbers array
                // is returned automatically.
                if (!isNaN(field[field.length - 1])) {
                    let numbers = field.match(/\d+/g).map(Number);
                    return numbers[(numbers.length - 1)];


        <style type="text/css">

            input[type=text], select {
                padding: 10px 20px;
                margin: 30px;
                border: 6px solid #C9282E;
                border-radius: 400px;
                box-sizing: content-box;
                height: 180px;
                width: 72%;
                text-align: inherit;
                font-size: 135px;
                user-select: none;

            input[type=submit] {
                width: 40%;
                height: 80px;
                background-color: #50505C;
                border: 6px solid #C9282E;
                border-radius: 20px;
                color: white;
                padding: 14px 20px;
                margin: 8px 0;
                cursor: pointer;
                font-size: 25px; 

                padding: 10px 20px;
                margin: 30px;
                background-color: #50505C;
                border: 6px solid #C9282E;
                border-radius: 20px;
                color: white;
                box-sizing: content-box;
                height: 25px;
                width: 80%;
                text-align: center;
                font-size: 18px;

                background-color: #1B46A8;

                height: 15%;
                width: 15%;




标签: javascripthtmlios

