首页 > 解决方案 > 具有映射类型的代理


我浏览了TS 手册并找到了映射类型。有一个代码片段可以将对象属性包装到代理中。

type Proxy<T> = {
    get(): T;
    set(value: T): void;
type Proxify<T> = {
    [P in keyof T]: Proxy<T[P]>;
function proxify<T>(o: T): Proxify<T> {
   // ... wrap proxies ...
let proxyProps = proxify(props);


function proxify<T>(t: T): Proxify<T> {
    let result = <Proxify<T>>{};
    for (const k in t) {
      result[k] = {    //(*) from that moment I lose strong typing  
        get: () => t[k],
        set: (value) => t[k] = value
    return result;


标签: typescripttype-aliasmapped-types



function proxify<T>(t: T): Proxify<T> {
    let result = <Proxify<T>>{};
    for (const k in t) { // k is of type Extract<keyof T, string> so it must be a key of T
        // result[k] and t[k] both work because k is a key of both T and Proxify<T> but result['random'] would be invalid
        result[k] = { // get/set fields are checked, so _get would be an error
            // the return of get must be T[Extract<keyof T, string>] so ()=> 0 would be an error
            get: () => t[k],
            // value and t[k] must be T[Extract<keyof T, string>] so t[k] = '' would also be an error
            set: (value) => t[k] = value
    return result;
