首页 > 解决方案 > 将列表分成块的更快方法


我有一个dict需要分成块的 s 列表:

input_size = len(input_rows)  # num of dicts
slice_size = int(input_size / 4)  # size of each chunk
remain = input_size % 4  # num of remaining dicts which cannot be divided into chunks
result = []  # initializes the list for containing lists of dicts
iterator = iter(input_rows)  # gets a iterator on input
for i in range(4):
    result.append([])  # creates an empty list as an element/block in result for containing rows for each core
    for j in range(slice_size):
        result[i].append(iterator.__next__())  # push in rows into the current list
    if remain:
        result[i].append(iterator.__next__())  # push in one remainder row into the current list
        remain -= 1

input_rows包含dicts 的列表,将其分成 4 个块/片;如果有剩余dict的s不能被平均分成4个chunk,这些剩余dict的s会被放入其中的一些chunk中。一个列表 ( result) 用于包含每个块,而该块又包含一个dicts 列表。


标签: python-3.xiterator



R = list()
L = list(range(10))

remainder = int(len(L) % 4)
chunk_size = int(len(L) / 4)
position = 0

while position < len(L):
    this_chunk = chunk_size
    if remainder:
        this_chunk += 1
        remainder -= 1
    R.append(L[position:this_chunk + position])
    position += this_chunk

[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7], [8, 9]]

这应该会更快,因为您迭代和插入的次数要少得多。在这种情况下,您实际上只是根据列表元数据的计算抓取 4 个切片并插入 4 次...

此外,这特别是numpy.array_split *的原因:这应该更快......

>>> print(*np.array_split(range(10), 4))
[0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7] [8 9]


def array_split(input_list, chunks):
    chunk_size = int(len(input_list) / chunks)
    remainder = len(input_list) % chunks
    new_list = list()
    position = 0

    while position < len(input_list):
        this_chunk = chunk_size
        if remainder:
            this_chunk, remainder = this_chunk + 1, remainder - 1
        new_list.append(input_list[position:this_chunk + position])
        position += this_chunk

    new_list.extend([[] for _ in range(chunks - len(new_list))])

    return new_list

def unit_test():
    L = [1, 2]
    print(array_split(L, 4))

    L = list(range(13))
    print(array_split(L, 3))

    L = list(range(22))
    print(array_split(L, 5))

>>> unit_test()
[[1], [2], [], []]
[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]
[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13], [14, 15, 16, 17], [18, 19, 20, 21]]
