首页 > 解决方案 > Is there any way to get a USDZ file without a Mac?


The issue I'm having is that the only way I know of (currently) generating a USDZ file is through the Xcode Command Line Tools. This means I'm obligated to use a Mac server if I want to define this as a service.

Is there any other way which would enable me to scale this and get rid of the Mac server?

I have read about the USD format and browsed the issues in their repo, and they say that they're currently developing tools for converting from USD to USDZ, but they don't have an ETA yet.

Any help would be much appreciated.

标签: xcodescenekitaugmented-realityarkitusdz



众所周知,Apple 和 Pixar 共同开发了一种USDZ文件格式。这是一种紧凑而简单的格式,旨在让人们共享 AR 内容“同时保留出色的 3D 图形甚至动画”。该USDZ格式解决了 AR 内容的典型存储容量大的问题,这使得轻松快速地共享信息变得更加困难。Adobe 等公司正在采用这种USDZ格式来使用其 Creative Cloud 平台,其中包括 Photoshop 和 Dimension 等应用程序。因此,USDZ文件格式不依赖于平台

一个USDZ包只是零压缩,未加密Zip ArchiveUSDZ包在生产流水线中最有用。文件USDZ是只读的 - 编辑其内容需要首先解压缩包并使用适当的工具编辑其组成部分,因为USDZ它是一种“核心”USD文件格式。

当然,您可以在USDZ没有 Mac 的情况下生成文件。为此,您需要适用于以下任何专业工具的插件:Autodesk Maya、The Foundry Katana 或 SideFX Houdini。有关更多详细信息,请阅读此 Pixar 网页

