首页 > 解决方案 > 在根项目“android”中找不到任务“assembleRelease”


我在gradle 4.8.1旁边使用Reactnative 0.54.0react-native-cli 2.0.1

我使用create-react-native-app myProjectName创建了一个 react-native 项目

当我创建项目时,它不包括 android 和 ios 文件夹,所以我手动添加了它们。

我还使用choco安装了 gradle ,然后使用gradle wrapper --gradle-version 4.8.1 --distribution-type all创建了一个包装器

所以我正在使用 microsoft vsCode开发 react-native ,然后使用Genymotion模拟器查看我的应用程序,一切都很好

现在,我想为 Play 商店生成最终的签名 APK,我正在使用 react-native 提供的本指南


当我想运行gradlew assembleRelease我得到这个错误

C:\myApp\android>gradlew assembleRelease

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Task 'assembleRelease' not found in root project 'android'.

* Try:
Run gradlew tasks to get a list of available tasks. Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org


assembleRelease 有什么问题?我应该怎么办?

要添加更多信息,我不得不说,当我想在 VSTS(TFS Online)中构建这个项目时,我得到了这个错误

2018-07-17T16:20:14.9268702Z ##[error]Error: Not found wrapperScript: D:\a\1\s\gradlew


更新: 正如@philipp 所问,这是 gradlew 列出的任务列表,而 assembleRelease 不是其中之一!!!!什么原因?

C:\myApp\Android>gradlew tasks

> Task :tasks

All tasks runnable from root project

Build Setup tasks
init - Initializes a new Gradle build.
wrapper - Generates Gradle wrapper files.

Help tasks
buildEnvironment - Displays all buildscript dependencies declared in root project 'android'.
components - Displays the components produced by root project 'android'. [incubating]
dependencies - Displays all dependencies declared in root project 'android'.
dependencyInsight - Displays the insight into a specific dependency in root project 'android'.
dependentComponents - Displays the dependent components of components in root project 'android'. [incubating]
help - Displays a help message.
model - Displays the configuration model of root project 'android'. [incubating]
projects - Displays the sub-projects of root project 'android'.
properties - Displays the properties of root project 'android'.
tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'android'.

To see all tasks and more detail, run gradlew tasks --all

To see more detail about a task, run gradlew help --task <task>

1 actionable task: 1 executed

这是 myApp\android**build.gradle**

project.ext.react = [
    bundleInStaging: true 
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = '4.8.1'
android {
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.sunkime.client"
    signingConfigs {
        staging {
            keyAlias = "staging"
            storeFile = file("my-release-key.keystore")
            keyPassword = "qwert%$#@!"
            storePassword = "qwert%$#@!"
        release {
            if (project.hasProperty('MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE')) {
                storeFile file(MYAPP_RELEASE_STORE_FILE)
                storePassword qwert%$#@!
                keyAlias qwert%$#@!
                keyPassword qwert%$#@!
    buildTypes {
        debug {
            applicationIdSuffix ".debug"
        staging {
            applicationIdSuffix ".staging"
            signingConfig signingConfigs.staging
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt"), "proguard-rules.pro"

        release {
            applicationIdSuffix ".release"
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt"), "proguard-rules.pro"

我也用过gradlew clean没区别

标签: androidreact-nativegradleazure-devopsgradlew


它是特定的assembleRelease还是gradlew assembleDebug有效的?

也许试试cd android && ./gradlew clean && ./gradlew assembleRelease


作为第一个任务,我建议运行./gradlew tasks以检查 gradle 是否设置正确并assembleRelease列出任务。
