首页 > 解决方案 > 通过 terraform 终止 EC2 实例时删除 EBS 卷


我的 .tf 文件中有以下内容

provider "aws" {
   region = "${var.aws_region}"    

resource "aws_ebs_volume" "agent-xvdf" {
  count             = "${var.ec2_count}"
  availability_zone = "${var.availability_zone}"
  kms_key_id        =  "xxxx"  
  encrypted         =   "true"
  size              =   "${var.vol_size_details_xvdf}"
  type              =   "${var.vol_type_details}"
  tags {
    Name        =   "d-drive"
    Owner       =   "${var.ebs_vol_owner}"
    Managed_By  =   "Terraform"

resource "aws_instance" "my-ec2" {
  depends_on        = ["aws_ebs_volume.agent-xvdf"]
  lifecycle {
   ignore_changes = ["tags"]
   create_before_destroy = true
  count                 = "${var.ec2_count}"
  ami                   = "${data.aws_ami.ami_id.id}"
  iam_instance_profile  = "yyyy"
  instance_type         = "${var.instance_type_details}"  
  tags {
    Owner       = "${var.instance_owner}"
    ServerRole  = "${var.server_details} ${var.ec2_os_flavour}"
    Creator     = "${var.creator_initials}"
    Created     = "TF Creation Time = ${timestamp()}"

  vpc_security_group_ids = 

   #This is a template provider which exposes chef-cookbook roles during 
bootstrapping process to manage instances or to install software
  #In the below code snippet we have used "teamcity.chef.json" file to 
 mention  Chef cookbook recipes to httpd and TeamCity.
   user_data         = "${file("..\\common\\${var.env_subfolder}\\teamcity.agent.chef.${var.app_instance}.json")}"

  availability_zone = "${var.availability_zone}"
  subnet_id         = "${data.aws_subnet.subnet_id_details.id}"

  # This parameter automatically deletes root-volume attached to the instance 
when the instance is terminated.
  root_block_device {
    delete_on_termination = "true"
     volume_size                    = "${var.vol_size_details_sda1}"
     volume_type           = "${var.vol_type_details}"

# Below resource will attach/detach "agent-xvdf" volume from AWS Instance i.e. {aws_instance.my-ec2}
resource "aws_volume_attachment" "agent-xvdf" {
  depends_on        = ["aws_ebs_volume.agent-xvdf"]
  count           = "${var.ec2_count}"
  device_name       = "xvdf"
  volume_id         = "${element(aws_ebs_volume.agent-xvdf.*.id, 
  instance_id       = "${element(aws_instance.my-ec2.*.id, count.index)}"
  force_detach      = "true"  
  skip_destroy      = "false"

使用目前的设置,terraform -pan、-apply 和 -destroy 工作正常,分别创建和删除 3 个资源。

但是,当我通过 terraform 应用此计划,然后尝试通过 AWS 控制台终止实例时,阻止 EBS 卷,即 xvdf 不会自动删除。

我们如何将此 ebs 音量设置为terminate on instance delete

标签: amazon-ec2terraform


您可以使用资源中的ebs_block_deviceaws_instance。默认情况下,这将在实例终止时删除 ebs 卷。


