首页 > 解决方案 > pg-promise - 组合多个查询,即使使用 DISTINCT 关键字,也会为同一主键提供多个结果



db.task(t => {
const a = studies => t.any ('SELECT facility_contacts.contact_type, facility_contacts.name, facility_contacts.email, facility_contacts.phone FROM facility_contacts WHERE facility_contacts.nct_id = $1', studies.nct_id).then(facility_contacts => {
    studies.facility_contacts = facility_contacts;
    return studies;
  const b = studies => t.any ('SELECT eligibilities.criteria, eligibilities.gender FROM eligibilities WHERE eligibilities.nct_id = $1', studies.nct_id).then(eligibilities => {
      studies.eligibilities = eligibilities;
      return studies;
    const c = studies => t.any ('SELECT interventions.intervention_type, interventions.name, interventions.description FROM interventions WHERE interventions.nct_id = $1', studies.nct_id).then(interventions => {
        studies.interventions = interventions;
        return studies;
      const d = studies => t.any ('SELECT design_groups.group_type, design_groups.title, design_groups.description FROM design_groups  WHERE design_groups.nct_id = $1', studies.nct_id).then(design_groups => {
          studies.design_groups = design_groups;
          return studies;

    const e = studies => t.batch([a(studies), b(studies), c(studies), d(studies)]);
    return t.map('SELECT DISTINCT ON (facilities.nct_id) studies.nct_id, studies.phase, studies.enrollment, studies.overall_status, facilities.city FROM studies INNER JOIN facilities ON facilities.nct_id = studies.nct_id AND facilities.country LIKE \'%Ireland%\' ORDER BY facilities.nct_id LIMIT 20 OFFSET ($1 - 1) * 20', [page],e).then(t.batch);
}).then(studies => {
}).catch(error => {

但是在响应中,我多次获得相同的值,并且我已经单独尝试了查询,并且响应没有任何重复。我目前的回复如下(仅显示前 3 个):

        "nct_id": "NCT00002755",
        "phase": "Phase 3",
        "enrollment": 600,
        "overall_status": "Completed",
        "city": "Dublin",
        "facility_contacts": [],
        "eligibilities": [
                "criteria": "\n        DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Histologically confirmed stage II or IIIA breast cancer with at\n        least 4 positive axillary nodes Definitive resection required, preferably within 4 weeks\n        prior to entry No overt residual axillary nodal carcinoma after surgery Hormone receptor\n        status: Not specified\n\n        PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS: Age: Over 18 Sex: Female Menopausal status: Not specified\n        Performance status: ECOG 0 or 1 Hematopoietic: Absolute neutrophil count greater than\n        1,500/mm3 Platelet count greater than 100,000/mm3 Hemoglobin greater than 9 g/dL PT and\n        aPTT normal Hepatic: Bilirubin normal (unless benign congenital hyperbilirubinemia) Normal\n        liver biopsy required in patients with active hepatitis B or C Renal: Creatinine normal\n        Cardiovascular: No active heart disease Normal wall motion on MUGA or echocardiogram Other:\n        Adequate nutritional status (i.e., more than 1,000 calories/day orally) HIV negative No\n        serious medical or psychiatric disease No second malignancy except: Basal cell skin cancer\n        Carinoma in situ of the cervix Not pregnant Negative pregnancy test\n\n        PRIOR CONCURRENT THERAPY: At least 2 weeks since major surgery\n      ",
                "gender": "Female"
        "interventions": [
                "intervention_type": "Biological",
                "name": "filgrastim",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "CMF regimen",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "cyclophosphamide",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "doxorubicin hydrochloride",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "fluorouracil",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "methotrexate",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "tamoxifen citrate",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "thiotepa",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Procedure",
                "name": "autologous bone marrow transplantation",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Procedure",
                "name": "peripheral blood stem cell transplantation",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Radiation",
                "name": "low-LET cobalt-60 gamma ray therapy",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Radiation",
                "name": "low-LET electron therapy",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Radiation",
                "name": "low-LET photon therapy",
                "description": null
        "design_groups": []
        "nct_id": "NCT00002755",
        "phase": "Phase 3",
        "enrollment": 600,
        "overall_status": "Completed",
        "city": "Dublin",
        "facility_contacts": [],
        "eligibilities": [
                "criteria": "\n        DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Histologically confirmed stage II or IIIA breast cancer with at\n        least 4 positive axillary nodes Definitive resection required, preferably within 4 weeks\n        prior to entry No overt residual axillary nodal carcinoma after surgery Hormone receptor\n        status: Not specified\n\n        PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS: Age: Over 18 Sex: Female Menopausal status: Not specified\n        Performance status: ECOG 0 or 1 Hematopoietic: Absolute neutrophil count greater than\n        1,500/mm3 Platelet count greater than 100,000/mm3 Hemoglobin greater than 9 g/dL PT and\n        aPTT normal Hepatic: Bilirubin normal (unless benign congenital hyperbilirubinemia) Normal\n        liver biopsy required in patients with active hepatitis B or C Renal: Creatinine normal\n        Cardiovascular: No active heart disease Normal wall motion on MUGA or echocardiogram Other:\n        Adequate nutritional status (i.e., more than 1,000 calories/day orally) HIV negative No\n        serious medical or psychiatric disease No second malignancy except: Basal cell skin cancer\n        Carinoma in situ of the cervix Not pregnant Negative pregnancy test\n\n        PRIOR CONCURRENT THERAPY: At least 2 weeks since major surgery\n      ",
                "gender": "Female"
        "interventions": [
                "intervention_type": "Biological",
                "name": "filgrastim",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "CMF regimen",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "cyclophosphamide",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "doxorubicin hydrochloride",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "fluorouracil",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "methotrexate",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "tamoxifen citrate",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "thiotepa",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Procedure",
                "name": "autologous bone marrow transplantation",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Procedure",
                "name": "peripheral blood stem cell transplantation",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Radiation",
                "name": "low-LET cobalt-60 gamma ray therapy",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Radiation",
                "name": "low-LET electron therapy",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Radiation",
                "name": "low-LET photon therapy",
                "description": null
        "design_groups": []
        "nct_id": "NCT00002755",
        "phase": "Phase 3",
        "enrollment": 600,
        "overall_status": "Completed",
        "city": "Dublin",
        "facility_contacts": [],
        "eligibilities": [
                "criteria": "\n        DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Histologically confirmed stage II or IIIA breast cancer with at\n        least 4 positive axillary nodes Definitive resection required, preferably within 4 weeks\n        prior to entry No overt residual axillary nodal carcinoma after surgery Hormone receptor\n        status: Not specified\n\n        PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS: Age: Over 18 Sex: Female Menopausal status: Not specified\n        Performance status: ECOG 0 or 1 Hematopoietic: Absolute neutrophil count greater than\n        1,500/mm3 Platelet count greater than 100,000/mm3 Hemoglobin greater than 9 g/dL PT and\n        aPTT normal Hepatic: Bilirubin normal (unless benign congenital hyperbilirubinemia) Normal\n        liver biopsy required in patients with active hepatitis B or C Renal: Creatinine normal\n        Cardiovascular: No active heart disease Normal wall motion on MUGA or echocardiogram Other:\n        Adequate nutritional status (i.e., more than 1,000 calories/day orally) HIV negative No\n        serious medical or psychiatric disease No second malignancy except: Basal cell skin cancer\n        Carinoma in situ of the cervix Not pregnant Negative pregnancy test\n\n        PRIOR CONCURRENT THERAPY: At least 2 weeks since major surgery\n      ",
                "gender": "Female"
        "interventions": [
                "intervention_type": "Biological",
                "name": "filgrastim",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "CMF regimen",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "cyclophosphamide",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "doxorubicin hydrochloride",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "fluorouracil",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "methotrexate",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "tamoxifen citrate",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Drug",
                "name": "thiotepa",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Procedure",
                "name": "autologous bone marrow transplantation",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Procedure",
                "name": "peripheral blood stem cell transplantation",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Radiation",
                "name": "low-LET cobalt-60 gamma ray therapy",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Radiation",
                "name": "low-LET electron therapy",
                "description": null
                "intervention_type": "Radiation",
                "name": "low-LET photon therapy",
                "description": null
        "design_groups": []

即使使用了 DISTINCT 关键字,我也会多次得到相同的结果。我该如何解决这个问题?这是我的查询排序的一些问题吗?

标签: node.jspostgresqlexpresspg-promise

