首页 > 解决方案 > Android - An algorithm to check recursively if a map is solvable


I am making an android Hashikawekero puzzle game, I have implemented a algorithm to spawn nodes (Islands) at random positions using a 2-d array this works fine it creates the node at random position but most of the times the map cant be solved. The map nodes spawn at random.

BoardCreation.java Class - this generates the map.

package Island_and_Bridges.Hashi;

import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Log;

import java.util.Random;

import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
//This class Creates the map by random using a 2d array

public class BoardCreation {
  // This class member is used for random initialization purposes.
  static private final Random random = new Random();

  // The difficulty levels.
  private static final int EASY = 0;
  static public final int MEDIUM = 1;
  static public final int HARD = 2;

  static public final int EMPTY = 0;

  private static int ConnectionFingerprint(BoardElement start, BoardElement end) {
    int x = start.row * 100 + start.col;
    int y = end.row * 100 + end.col;
    // Swap to get always the same fingerprint independent whether we are called
    // start-end or end-start
    if (x > y ) {
      int temp = x;
      x = y;
      y = temp;
    Log.d("", String.format("%d %d" , x ,y));
    return x ^ y;

  public class State {
    // The elements of the board are stored in this array.
    // A value defined by "EMPTY" means that its not set yet.
    public BoardElement [][] board_elements = null;

    public int [][] cell_occupied = null;

    // The width of the board. We only assume squared boards.
    public int board_width=0;

    public State(int width) {
      board_width = width;
      board_elements = new BoardElement[width][width];
      cell_occupied = new int[width][width];

    public State CloneWithoutConnections() {
      State newstate = new State(board_width);
      if (board_elements != null) {
    newstate.board_elements = new BoardElement[board_elements.length][board_elements.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < board_elements.length; ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < board_elements.length; ++j) {
        if (board_elements[i][j] == null)
        newstate.board_elements[i][j] = board_elements[i][j].clone();
      if (cell_occupied != null) {
          assert board_elements != null;
          newstate.cell_occupied = new int[board_elements.length][board_elements.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < board_elements.length; ++i) {
        System.arraycopy(cell_occupied[i], 0, newstate.cell_occupied[i], 0, board_elements.length);
      return newstate;

    public void AddToBridgeCache(BoardElement first, BoardElement second) {
      if (first == null || second == null) { return; }
      final int fingerprint = ConnectionFingerprint(first, second);
          String.format("Fingerprint of this bridge %d", fingerprint));
      // mark the end points as occupied.
      cell_occupied[first.row][first.col] = fingerprint;
      cell_occupied[second.row][second.col] = fingerprint;

      int dcol = second.col - first.col;
      int drow = second.row - first.row;

      if (first.row == second.row) {
    for (int i = (int) (first.col + Math.signum(dcol)); i != second.col; i += Math.signum(dcol)) {
      cell_occupied[first.row][i] = fingerprint;
        String.format("deleting bridge");
      } else {
    assert first.col == second.col;
    for (int i = (int) (first.row + Math.signum(drow)); i != second.row; i+= Math.signum(drow)) {
      cell_occupied[i][first.col] = fingerprint;

  } // end of state

  private State current_state, old_state;

  static private final int WIDTH_EASY = 7;

  private void NewGame(int hardness) {
    switch(hardness) {
      case EASY:
    Log.d(getClass().getName(), "Initializing new easy game");
    old_state = getCurrentState().CloneWithoutConnections();

  public void ResetGame() {
    if (old_state != null) {
      Log.d(getClass().getName(), "Setting board_elements to old_elements");
    } else {
      Log.d(getClass().getName(), "old_lements are zero");

  public BoardCreation(int hardness) {

  public boolean TryAddNewBridge(BoardElement start, BoardElement end, int count) {
    assertEquals(count, 1);
    assert (start != null);
    assert (end != null);
    final int fingerprint = ConnectionFingerprint(start, end);

    String.format("considering (%d,%d) and (%d,%d)", start.row,start.col, end.row,end.col));
    if (start.row == end.row && start.col == end.col) {
      Log.d(getClass().getName(), "Same nodes selected!");
      return false;
    assert count > 0;

    int dcol = end.col - start.col;
    int drow = end.row - start.row;

    // It must be a vertical or horizontal bridge:
    if (Math.abs(dcol) > 0 && Math.abs(drow) > 0) {
      Log.d(getClass().getName(), "not a horizontal or vertical bridge.");
      return false;

    // First we check whether start and end elements can take the specified bridge counts.
    int count_start = start.GetCurrentCount();
    int count_end = end.GetCurrentCount();

    if (count_start  + count > start.max_connecting_bridges ||
    count_end + count > end.max_connecting_bridges) {
      Log.d(getClass().getName(), "This Bridge is not allowed");
      return false;

     String.format("Sums:%d @ (%d,%d)  and %d @ (%d,%d)",
       count_start, start.row, start.col,
       count_end, end.row, end.col));

    Connection start_connection = null;
    Connection end_connection = null;

    // Next we check whether we are crossing any lines.
    if (start.row == end.row) {
      for (int i = (int) (start.col + Math.signum(dcol)); i != end.col; i += Math.signum(dcol)) {
    if (getCurrentState().cell_occupied[start.row][i] > 0 &&
            getCurrentState().cell_occupied[start.row][i] != fingerprint) {
      Log.d(getClass().getName(), "Crossing an occupied cell.");
      return false;
      assert start.col != end.col;
      if (start.col > end.col) {
    start.connecting_east = GetOrCreateConnection(end, start.connecting_east);
    end.connecting_west = GetOrCreateConnection(start, end.connecting_west);
    start_connection = start.connecting_east;
    end_connection = end.connecting_west;
      } else {
    start.connecting_west = GetOrCreateConnection(end, start.connecting_west);
    end.connecting_east = GetOrCreateConnection(start, end.connecting_east);
    start_connection = start.connecting_west;
    end_connection = end.connecting_east;
    } else {
      assert start.col == end.col;
      for (int i = (int) (start.row + Math.signum(drow)); i != end.row ; i += Math.signum(drow)) {
    if (getCurrentState().cell_occupied[i][start.col] > 0 &&
            getCurrentState().cell_occupied[i][start.col] != fingerprint) {
      Log.d(getClass().getName(), "Crossing an occupied cell.");
      return false;
      if (start.row > end.row ) {
    start.connecting_north = GetOrCreateConnection(end, start.connecting_north);
    end.connecting_south = GetOrCreateConnection(start, end.connecting_south);
    start_connection = start.connecting_north;
    end_connection = end.connecting_south;
      } else {
    start.connecting_south= GetOrCreateConnection(end, start.connecting_south);
    end.connecting_north = GetOrCreateConnection(start, end.connecting_north);
    start_connection = start.connecting_south;
    end_connection = end.connecting_north;
    start_connection.destination = end;
    end_connection.destination = start;
    start_connection.second += count;
    end_connection.second += count;

    getCurrentState().AddToBridgeCache(start, end);

        String.format("New bridge added. Sums:%d @ (%d,%d)  and %d @ (%d,%d)",
         count_start, start.row,start.col,
         count_end, end.row,end.col));
    return true;

  private Connection GetOrCreateConnection(
      BoardElement end,
      Connection connection) {
    if (connection!= null) { return connection; }
    return new Connection();

  private void InitializeEasy() {
      Random rand = new Random();

      String[][] debug_board_state = new String[7][7];
      setCurrentState(new State(WIDTH_EASY));
      for (int row = 0; row < debug_board_state.length; row++) {
          for (int column = 0; column < debug_board_state[row].length; column++) {
              debug_board_state[row][column] = String.valueOf(rand.nextInt(5));


      for (int row = 0; row < debug_board_state.length; row++) {
          for (int column = 0; column < debug_board_state[row].length; column++) {
              System.out.print(debug_board_state[row][column] + " ");
      for (int row = 0; row < WIDTH_EASY; ++row) {
          for (int column = 0; column < WIDTH_EASY; ++column) {

                  getCurrentState().board_elements[row][column] = new BoardElement();
                  getCurrentState().board_elements[row][column].max_connecting_bridges = Integer.parseInt(debug_board_state[row][column]);
                  getCurrentState().board_elements[row][column].row = row;
                  getCurrentState().board_elements[row][column].col = column;

                  if (getCurrentState().board_elements[row][column].max_connecting_bridges > 0) {
                      getCurrentState().board_elements[row][column].is_island = true;

  private void setCurrentState(State new_state) {
    this.current_state = new_state;

  public State getCurrentState() {
    return current_state;

What algorithm could I use to make sure the Map can be Solved (Islands Connected with Bridges) before spawning the nodes.

This is what the map looks like (don't mind the design)

标签: javaandroidalgorithm


One thing to consider would be to start with a blank board. Place an island. Then place another island that can be connected to the first one (i.e. on one of the four cardinal directions). Connect the two with a bridge, and increment each island's count.

Now, pick one of the two islands and place another island that it can connect. Add the bridge and increment.

Continue in this way until you've placed the number of islands that you want to place.

The beauty here is that you start with an empty board, and during construction the board is always valid.

You'll have to ensure that you're not crossing bridges when you place new islands, but that's pretty easy to do, since you know where the existing bridges are.
