首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么 ggplotly 会丢失我的 scale_size_continuous 图例?


我正在开发一个闪亮的应用程序来使用 ggplot2 交互式显示一个气泡图,我想向它添加绘图功能。以下为可重现的示例创建数据:

# Load packages

# create data
Name <- c(rep(c("Red Pine", "Sugar Maple"), each = 125))
mean.SDI <- c(rnorm(250, 150, 150)) 
mean.SDI <- mean.SDI + abs(min(mean.SDI))
DI <- c(rep(c(rep(c(1:5), 25)), 2))
PI <- c(rep(c(rep(c(1:5), each = 25)), 2))
GrowthRate <- c(rnorm(250, 2.5, 1))
GrowthRate[GrowthRate < 0] <- 0
n <- as.integer(runif(250, min = 1, max = 50))

trend_data <- tibble(Name, mean.SDI, DI, PI, GrowthRate, n)

以下不使用 plotly 的脚本会产生所需的结果:

# Define UI
ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("lumen"),
            titlePanel("Growth rates"),

                selectInput(inputId = "Species", label = strong("Species"),
                            choices = unique(trend_data$Name)[order(unique(trend_data$Name))],
                            selected = "Red Pine"),
                sliderInput(inputId = "SDI", label = strong("Stand density index"),
                            min = 0, max = 1100, value = c(0, 800), dragRange = TRUE)

                fluidRow(column(6, plotOutput(outputId = "bubbleplot", height = "400px", width = "600px"))

# Define server function

server <- function(input, output) {

 # Subset data
 DI_PI <- reactive({
trend_data %>%
    Name == input$Species,
    mean.SDI >= input$SDI[1] & mean.SDI <= input$SDI[2]
  ) %>%
  group_by(DI, PI) %>%
  summarize(GrowthRate = mean(GrowthRate),
            n = as.numeric(sum(n))) %>%
  mutate(nAlpha = n > 50)


 # Create scatterplot object the plotOutput function is expecting
 output$bubbleplot <- renderPlot({
p <- ggplot(DI_PI(), aes(x = DI, y = PI, size = GrowthRate, alpha = nAlpha)) +
  geom_point(col = '#236AB9') +
  xlab("DI Class") +
  ylab("PI Class") +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(1, 5), ylim = c(1,5)) +
  scale_size_continuous(name = "Subplot-level Growth Rate \n (ft2 per acre per year)",
                        range = c(0.1, 15)) +
  scale_alpha_discrete(labels = c("Less than 50 subplots", "At least 50 subplots"),
                       name = "")



# Create Shiny object
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


  # Define UI
  ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("lumen"),
            titlePanel("Growth rates"),

                selectInput(inputId = "Species", label = strong("Species"),
                            choices = unique(trend_data$Name)[order(unique(trend_data$Name))],
                            selected = "Red Pine"),
                sliderInput(inputId = "SDI", label = strong("Stand density index"),
                            min = 0, max = 1100, value = c(0, 800), dragRange = TRUE)

                fluidRow(column(6, plotlyOutput(outputId = "bubbleplot", height = "400px", width = "600px"))

# Define server function

server <- function(input, output) {

# Subset data
DI_PI <- reactive({
trend_data %>%
    Name == input$Species,
    mean.SDI >= input$SDI[1] & mean.SDI <= input$SDI[2]
  ) %>%
  group_by(DI, PI) %>%
  summarize(GrowthRate = mean(GrowthRate),
            n = as.numeric(sum(n))) %>%
  mutate(nAlpha = n > 50)


# Create scatterplot object the plotOutput function is expecting
output$bubbleplot <- renderPlotly({
p <- ggplot(DI_PI(), aes(x = DI, y = PI, size = GrowthRate, alpha = nAlpha)) +
  geom_point(col = '#236AB9') +
  xlab("DI Class") +
  ylab("PI Class") +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(1, 7), ylim = c(1,5)) +
  scale_size_continuous(name = "Subplot-level Growth Rate \n (ft2 per acre per year)",
                        range = c(0.1, 15)) +
  scale_alpha_discrete(labels = c("Less than 5 subplots", "At least 5 subplots"),
                       name = "")



 # Create Shiny object
 shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

ggplotly 似乎在显示图例方面存在问题。有没有人知道对于“scale_size”类型的传说有一个很好的解决方案?

使用 RStudio 版本 1.1.453 和 plotly v 4.8.0

R info: platform x86_64-w64-mingw32
arch x86_64
os mingw32
system x86_64, mingw32
major 3
minor 5.0
year 2018
month 04
day 23
svn rev 74626
language R
version.string R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23) 昵称 Joy在玩


# EDIT server function

server <- function(input, output) {

# Subset data
DI_PI <- reactive({
trend_data %>%
    Name == input$Species,
    mean.SDI >= input$SDI[1] & mean.SDI <= input$SDI[2]
  ) %>%
  group_by(DI, PI) %>%
  summarize(GrowthRate = mean(GrowthRate),
            n = as.numeric(sum(n))) %>%
  mutate(nAlpha = n > 50)


# Create scatterplot object the plotOutput function is expecting
output$bubbleplot <- renderPlotly({
p <- ggplot(DI_PI(), aes(x = DI, y = PI, 
                         #alpha = nAlpha, 
                         size = GrowthRate)) +
  geom_point(col = '#236AB9') +
  xlab("DI Class") +
  ylab("PI Class") +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(1, 7), ylim = c(1,5)) +
  scale_size_continuous(name = "Subplot-level Growth Rate \n (ft2 per acre per year)",
                        range = c(0.1, 15)) #+
  #scale_alpha_discrete(labels = c("Less than 5 subplots", "At least 5 subplots"),
                       #name = "")



# Create Shiny object
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

标签: rggplot2shinyggplotly

