首页 > 解决方案 > How to return object to UiPath in VBA?


I am trying to return an object from function Find123. I have called it from sub procedure Retrieve123.

When I comple it says function not defined and it highlights the CObj method.

Could you tell me a way to convert integer or string into object and return it in VBA?

Sub Retrieve123()
    Call Find123()
End Sub

Function Find123()As Object
    Dim val As String
    Dim obj As Object
    Set obj=CObj(val)
    Set Find123 = obj
End Function

This is how I get the error message enter image description here

When I assign the string value into the function it gives this type mismatch error.
enter image description here

I need to convert the string into object because in UiPath we can only return type object as the Invoke VBA activity's output is object type.

标签: excelvbauipath


您不必将任何内容转换为对象,但 UiPath 将Invoke VBA活动的返回值视为对象(因为它不知道返回的是什么)。您可以安全地从您的函数返回一个原始类型 -integer在您的情况下 - 将其存储在 UiPath 中的对象类型变量中,然后再次将其转换为整数。

这是一个普遍的例子。注意resultis 类型objectwhileiinteger. 在Assign活动内部,i正在被强制转换为integer.

VB.NET 等价物:

i = CType(result, Integer)

UiPath 中的类型转换
