首页 > 解决方案 > 有没有办法读取 F# 控制台应用程序中特定行上的文本?


我想将某行中的文本放入变量中。我能以某种方式使用 Console.CursorLeft 和 Console.CursorTop 来做到这一点吗?程序甚至有可能知道光标当前在哪个字母上?我有一个程序,您可以在其中使用箭头键突出显示某行,但它要求您已经知道该行的内容并重复它。


open System

Console.BackgroundColor <- ConsoleColor.White
Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Black
printfn "OPTION 1"
Console.BackgroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Black
Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.White
printfn "Option 2"
printfn "Option 3"

Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0)

let mutable exit = false

while not exit do
    let mutable key = Console.ReadKey()
    if key.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.UpArrow) then
        Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop - 1)
    if key.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.DownArrow) then
        Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop + 1)
    if key.Key.Equals(ConsoleKey.Enter) then
        let selected = Console.CursorTop + 1
        Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 3)
        printfn "You selected %i" (selected)
        exit <- true
    let mutable test = Console.CursorTop
    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0)
    printfn "Option 1"
    printfn "Option 2"
    printfn "Option 3"
    if test = 0 then
        Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0)
        Console.BackgroundColor <- ConsoleColor.White
        Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Black
        printfn "OPTION 1"
    if test = 1 then
        Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 1)
        Console.BackgroundColor <- ConsoleColor.White
        Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Black
        printfn "OPTION 2"
    if test = 2 then
        Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 2)
        Console.BackgroundColor <- ConsoleColor.White
        Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Black
        printfn "OPTION 3"
    Console.BackgroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Black
    Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.White
    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, test)

Console.Read() |> ignore

标签: .netf#



如果你这样做了,你将基本上依赖控制台文本来维护应用程序的状态。换句话说,您将状态保持在有限大小的 2D 字符数组中!

更好的方法是使用 F# 类型来表示状态。例如,您可以定义一个记录来保存您的菜单选项、选择以及是否已进行选择的标志:

type State = 
  { Options : string list
    Selection : int
    Completed : bool }


let printMenu menu = 
  Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0)
  for i, option in Seq.indexed menu.Options do
    if i = menu.Selection then
      Console.BackgroundColor <- ConsoleColor.White
      Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Black
    printfn "%s" option
    Console.BackgroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Black
    Console.ForegroundColor <- ConsoleColor.Gray


let handleKey (key:ConsoleKeyInfo) state = 
  match key.Key with
  | ConsoleKey.UpArrow -> { state with Selection = state.Selection-1 }
  | ConsoleKey.DownArrow -> { state with Selection = state.Selection+1 }
  | ConsoleKey.Enter -> { state with Completed = true }
  | _ -> state


let mutable state = 
  { Options = ["Option 1"; "Option 2"; "Option 3"] 
    Completed = false
    Selection = 0 }      

主要的应用程序逻辑现在超级简单。只需在state.Completed为 false 时循环,打印菜单,读取密钥并更新状态:

while not state.Completed do
  printMenu state
  let key = Console.ReadKey()
  state <- handleKey key state

Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 3)
printfn "You selected %i" state.Selection

