首页 > 解决方案 > 如何测试一个类是否包含在一个 div id 中


我正在为编码训练营制作一个简单的口袋妖怪纸牌游戏,当玩家点击任何口袋妖怪 id(#pikachu#squirtle)时,它会出现在一个名为 的 div id 中#playerArea,点击的下一个口袋妖怪 id 应该出现在#defenderArea. 我需要测试是否有任何共享一个类的元素.pokemon#playerArea使下一个被点击的口袋妖怪出现在#defenderArea

下面的 HTML 和脚本(不包括 css)


            <h1>Pokemon Stadium</h1>

        <div id="selectionArea">
            <!-- pokemon cards share class but have their own IDs -->

            <div id="pikachu" class="pokemon">
                <img src="pikachu.png" height="200px" width="200px">
                <span id="pikachuHp">100</span>

            <div id="bulbasaur" class="pokemon">
                    <img src="bulbasaur.jpg" height="200px" width="200px">
                    <span id="bulbasaurHp">200</span>

            <div id="charmander" class="pokemon">
                    <img src="charmander.png" height="200px" width="200px">
                    <span id="charmanderHp">150</span>

             <div id="squirtle" class="pokemon">
                    <img src="squirtle.jpg" height="200px" width="200px">
                    <span id="squirtleHp">120</span>

            <div id="mario" class="pokemon">
                    <img src="mario.jpg" height="200px" width="200px">
                    <span id="marioHp">300</span>


        <!-- Enemies are moved here upon selection-->

        <div id="defenderArea">


        <!-- The players pokemon goes here-->

        <div id="playerArea">

                <button type="button" id="attackBtn" class="btn btn-primary">Attack</button>


        <!-- Scripts & jQuery -->



  $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#pikachu').click(function() {  

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#squirtle').click(function() {  

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#charmander').click(function() {  

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#bulbasaur').click(function() {  

    $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#mario').click(function() {  

    if ( $('#playerArea').hasClass(".pokemon") ) {
        //do something 
        alert("theres a pokemon in the playerArea");

我应该使用 if/else 语句来测试 playerArea 还是应该使用 if/else 来查看是否点击了 ID?

标签: javascriptjqueryhtml


//find a count of how many pokemon are children of the playerArea
if( $('#playerArea').find('.pokemon').length > 0 ) {
  //put pokemon in defender area
