首页 > 解决方案 > is there any query profiler in cosmos db?


I'm a newbie at cosmos db. and i'll be glad if someone help me to find how to catch queries that are going on local emulator. the reason why i'm asking is that now query string is appended in a few steps via linq and i need to be sure that query builder returns correct query string.

thanks in advance!

标签: azure-cosmosdb


为了查看应用程序和 Cosmos DB 数据库之间的交互,可以使用Cosmos DB Profiler工具。它显示了发送到 Cosmos DB 的查询以及生成它们的相关代码的堆栈跟踪。


它还提醒用户注意使用 Cosmos DB 时的常见陷阱,并建议如何解决这些问题。

分析器提供的可用报告允许分析应用程序的 Cosmos DB 使用情况。
