首页 > 解决方案 > How can I change DiscriminatorValue of entity


I would ask you about opportunity to change DiscriminatorValue for some entyty. For example I have 2 entity:

    @Table(name = "user")
    @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "user_type")
    public class User


    @Table(name = "businessUser")
    public class BusinessUser extends User

I have repos:

    public interface UserBaseRepository<T extends User>  extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {

    T findByEmail(String email);

    public interface UserRepository extends UserBaseRepository<User> {

    public interface BusinessUserRepository extends UserBaseRepository<BusinessUser> {

At first I created simple user. This entity has user_type CUSTOMER. Then I would like to expand that entity and modify it to BusinessCustomer. When I tried to do it the following: find user entity and to cast to businessUser entity I get IllegalCastException. I cannot to cast User to BusinessUser.

Help me please, How I can change user_type or or update user to businessUser.

Have a nice day, Thanks

标签: hibernatespring-bootjpaspring-data-jpaentity


