首页 > 解决方案 > 在 MS Access 中,创建动态查询后,如何使用记录集中的相应值更新表单上的文本框?


按照此处的示例:https: //support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/304302/how-to-build-a-dynamic-query-with-values-from-a-search-form-in-access我创建了一个搜索按钮来搜索一个表,并且似乎提取了正确的 SQL 语句。但是,在此表单上,我有几个文本框(用户 ID、名字、姓氏、部门),它们与数据库中各自的列相关联。如何更新表单 frmSearchUsers 中的这些文本框以反映过滤/查询表的结果?

我原以为 Me.Requery 就足够了,但是文本框保持空白(保存为 txtSQL)

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
On Error Resume Next

Dim ctl As Control
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sWhereClause As String

'Initialize the Where Clause variable.
sWhereClause = " Where "

'Start the first part of the select statement.
sSQL = "select * from customers "

'Loop through each control on the form to get its value.
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
    With ctl
        'The only Control you are using is the text box.
        'However, you can add as many types of controls as you want.
        Select Case .ControlType
            Case acTextBox
                'This is the function that actually builds
                'the clause.
                If sWhereClause = " Where " Then
                    sWhereClause = sWhereClause & BuildCriteria(.Name, dbtext, .Text)
                    sWhereClause = sWhereClause & " and " & BuildCriteria(.Name, dbtext, .Text)
                End If
        End Select
    End With
Next ctl

'Set the forms recordsource equal to the new
'select statement.
Me.txtSQL = sSQL & sWhereClause
Me.RecordSource = sSQL & sWhereClause


有 4 个文本框,用户 ID、名字、姓氏、部门。

假设我知道表客户中有一个 Jane Doe,但不知道她的 ID 或部门。

在 FirstName 文本框中输入 Jane,在 LastName 文本框中输入 Doe,然后点击搜索似乎会产生适当的 SQL 查询(并已确认这在表的 SQL 视图中正确过滤): SELECT * FROM Customers Where FirstName="Jane" 和姓氏="Doe"

但是附加字段不会更新 - 我在这里做错了什么?是因为我拥有绑定到表格列的文本框的控制源吗?

标签: sqlms-accessdynamicquery



Private Sub btnSearch_Click()

On Error Resume Next

Dim strSQL As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim strWhereClause As String
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim textBox As Control
Dim finalSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb

'Init beginning of SQL select statement
sWhereClause = " Where "
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Customers "

'Loop through filled in Controls on form to get value
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
    With ctl
        Select Case .ControlType
            Case acTextBox
            If sWhereClause = " Where " Then
                sWhereClause = sWhereClause & BuildCriteria(.Name, dbText, .Text)
                sWhereClause = sWhereClause & " and " & BuildCriteria(.Name, dbText, .Text)
            End If
        End Select
    End With
Next ctl

Me.txtSQL = sSQL & sWhereClause
finalSQL = sSQL & sWhereClause

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(finalSQL)
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
'If Matching Record(s) are found, pull result into appropriate fields
    Me.UserID = rs!UserID
    Me.FirstName = rs!FirstName
    Me.LastName = rs!LastName
    Me.Department = rs!Department

MsgBox "No Users Found Matching Specified Search Criteria.", vbOKCancel, "No Results Found"
End If
