首页 > 解决方案 > Softlayer Virtual Guest - Invalid value provided for tags


I am setting the tag value for a Virtual Guest with the following method


I am setting the tag value with ( ) in it. And its giving error that

XMLRPC::FaultException: Invalid value provided for 'tags'. Invalid tag names:Key:121 software (sd log) 

When I remove the curly bracket the set tag method works. Please let me know which all special characters are not allowed while setting the tag. This link did not provide much information about the allowed characters in tags

标签: ibm-cloud-infrastructurevirtual-server


这里有关于标签 调用 API 方法 SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/setTags.json 由于“无效标签名称”而失败的允许值的信息

允许的字符是 AZ、0-9、空格、_(下划线)、-(连字符)、. (句点)和:(冒号),

您还可以查看Softlayer :标记设备以了解有关标记的更多信息
