首页 > 解决方案 > WPF Binding a collection of collections to a DataGrid


To simplify my problem, let's say that I have a property, that I am binding my DataGrid to:

public List<LibrarySection> Library { get; set; }

Then in each LibrarySection I have

class LibrarySection
   public string SectionName{ get; set; }
   public List<Book> Books { get; set; }

And book look like this:

class Book
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public string Author { get; set; }
   public string BookID { get; set; }

Now how can I bind to property Library, to achieve in a DataGrid a list of all the books: Book table

标签: c#.netwpfxaml


期望 LibrarySection 是DataContext您的 DataGrid 的,您可以简单地添加BooksItemsSource



<DataGrid ItemSource="{Binding Books}
          AutoGenerateColumns="false"><!--should be false-->
     <!-- Define custom columns -->
          <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Name}" Header="BookName" />
          <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Author}" Header="Book Author" />
          <DataGridTextColumn Binding="{BookID}" Header="BookID" />             

通常你应该有ViewModel一个LibrarySection- 属性。如果是这样,只需使用ItemsSource="{Binding Library.Books}"

