首页 > 解决方案 > memsql升级需要多长时间?


我已经开始离线升级过程,将我的 MemSql 集群从 5.8 升级到 6.5,数据大小约为 300G,已经 5 小时了,但我失去了对集群的所有访问权限,也无法检查状态。

memsql-ops memsql-list 返回所有叶子和聚合器在线显示。但是,memsql> SHOW LEAVES; 返回空集,我的主聚合器自动转换为子聚合器,所以现在我没有任何主聚合器。

我无法对子聚合器执行任何命令(如 AGGREGATOR SET AS MASTER),它说“memsql 没有作为聚合器运行”,或者“memsql 节点没有运行”,并且 sql 查询返回“数据库 'xxx' 是不可用于查询,因为它正在等待主聚合器使其联机。运行 SHOW DATABASES EXTENDED ..."

还执行任何管理命令,如 memsql-ops restart 返回“作业无法运行,因为有 ID xxx 的 MemSql 升级意图正在进行中”



标签: singlestore


We debugged the issue in MemSQL public chat and it was found that the Master Agg was running an unsupported beta version of MemSQL (6.0.0) which prevented the upgrade and then corrupted the database post upgrade.

For future readers please audit that you are not running beta versions of MemSQL on production clusters. If you are, not only will upgrade likely break, but it may not be possible to recover your data on a non-beta cluster.
