首页 > 解决方案 > Haskell pattern matching inside of case


I am trying to perform pattern matching inside of case clause:

-- different types of Parsers:
-- type Parser = String -> Maybe (String, String)
-- type Parser = String -> Maybe (Tree, String)
-- type Parser = String -> Maybe (Int, String)

-- can be generalized as:

data Parser a = Parser (String -> Maybe (a, String))

class Monad' m where
 result :: a -> m a
 bind :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

instance Monad' Parser where
 result v = Parser (\input -> Just (v, input))
 bind (Parser fa) fb = Parser (\input ->
                                 case (fa input) of
                                  Nothing -> Nothing
                                  Just(v, input') -> pb input' where pb in fb v = (Parser pb)

The problem is with where pb in fb v = (Parser pb). How do I declare pb and then pattern match with call to (fb input').

Also the need for including the constructor Parser in the declaration: data Parser a = Parser (String -> Maybe (a, String)) seems to complicate things a lot. It would have much simpler to write: data Parser a = String -> Maybe (a, String), but that is not possible are there other ways to achieve this?

标签: haskellpattern-matching


您可以在任何允许使用这些表达式的地方使用letwhere创建模式匹配:(缩短了一些行以使其适合 StackOverflow 的格式)

instance Monad' Parser where
 result v = Parser (\input -> Just (v, input))
 bind (Parser fa) fb = 
   Parser (\input -> case (fa input) of
       Nothing -> Nothing
       Just(v, input') -> pb input'
         where (Parser pb) = fb v

= 或 =

instance Monad' Parser where
 result v = Parser (\input -> Just (v, input))
 bind (Parser fa) fb = 
   Parser (\input -> case (fa input) of
       Nothing -> Nothing
       Just(v, input') ->
         let (Parser pb) = fb v
          in  pb input'

Haskell 98 不允许类型同义词的实例声明。GHC 宣传了一个允许这样做的语言扩展,但我的经验是它会导致更深的问题。

解决模式匹配需求的标准方法是创建一条记录并使用该字段剥离构造函数。约定似乎是使用un++ 类型的名称。

data Parser a = Parser { unParser :: (String -> Maybe (a, String))}

-- N.B. unParser :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe (a, String)

instance Monad' Parser where
 result v = Parser (\input -> Just (v, input))
 bind (Parser fa) fb = 
   Parser (\input -> case (fa input) of
       Nothing -> Nothing
       Just(v, input') -> unParser (fb v) input


你知道那Maybe是一个Monad吗?当您发现自己编写了很多额外的代码来传播Nothing -> Nothing时,忽略失败并让 Monad(或 Applicative)实例成为您的朋友真的很棒。

instance Monad' Parser where
 result v = Parser (\input -> Just (v, input))
 bind (Parser fa) fb = 
   Parser (\input -> do -- This is in the Maybe Monad. 
                        -- If any step fails the result is Nothing
       (v, input') <- fa input
       unParser (fb v) input'
