首页 > 解决方案 > How to pass a Func<> property/method to a NancyFx Get() method?


The NancyFx (2.x) NancyModule.Get() method is defined as:

public virtual void Get(string path, Func<dynamic, object> action, [Func<NancyContext, bool> condition = null], [string name = null]);

The normal usage is:

public class MyModule
    public MyModule() 
        this.Get("/", parameters => {
            this.RequestHandler = new RequestHandler();

            return this.RequestHandler.HandleRequest("/", parameters, someOtherInfo);

I want to define the second parameter as a property, so that I can use for several paths like this:

public class MyModule
    Func<dynamic, object> indexHandler = parameters => {
        // Error: Keyword "this" is not available in this context
        this.RequestHandler = new RequestHandler();

        // Error: Keyword "this" is not available in this context
        return this.RequestHandler.HandleRequest("/", parameters, someOtherInfo);

    public MyModule() 
        this.Get("/", indexHandler);
        this.Get("/index", indexHandler);

If I do this it works:

public class MyModule
    public MyModule() 
        Func<dynamic, object> indexHandler = parameters => {
            this.RequestHandler = new RequestHandler();

            return this.RequestHandler.HandleRequest("/", parameters, someOtherInfo);

        this.Get("/", indexHandler);
        this.Get("/index", indexHandler);

But I don't want to define it in the constructor. What am I doing wrong? Is there any other way to do this?


Dependancy Package: Nancy (Version: 2.0.0-clinteastwood)

using Nancy;
using Nancy.Responses.Negotiation;

namespace MyNamespace
    public class MyModule : NancyModule
        private RequestHandler RequestHandler;
        private object IndexHandler(dynamic parameters)
            this.RequestHandler = new RequestHandler();
            var someOtherInfo = "";
            return this.RequestHandler.HandleRequest("/", parameters, someOtherInfo);

        public MyModule()
            this.Get("/", IndexHandler);
            this.Get("/index", IndexHandler);

            this.Get("/home", parameters => {
                return this.Negotiate.WithView("myview.html");

    public class RequestHandler
        public Negotiator HandleRequest(string path, dynamic parameters, string someOtherInfo)
            return new Negotiator(new NancyContext());

标签: c#lambdanancyfunc



public class MyModule
    public MyModule() 
       this.Get("/", IndexHandler);
       this.Get("/index", IndexHandler);

    private object IndexHandler(dynamic parameters) {
        this.RequestHandler = new RequestHandler();
        return this.RequestHandler.HandleRequest("/", parameters, someOtherInfo);
