首页 > 解决方案 > Plesk Config Apache with a Domain.tld/site


There is a Domain Forwarding domain.com/site to our Plesk. The Problem is, that Plesk i.e Apache doesn´t recognize this domain. We don`t know how to set up our Apache configs that the domain is registered by Plesk.

We already set up vhosts, but the problem was not figured out.

ServerName "integ.domain.com:443"
ServerAlias "www.integ.domain.com/site"
ServerAlias "ipv4.integ.domain.com/site"
UseCanonicalName On

<Directory /var/www/vhosts/bdomainsdvre>
    Options +FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    AllowOverride All

标签: apachehttpd.confpleskvhosts


我已经解决了这个问题。plesk 完全自动管理。问题不在于 apache 或 plesk!这只是转发 url 上的错误 IP 地址。

我的问题是我无法使用 nslookup 或 ping 检查 IP 地址。

nslookup domain.com/site
** server can't find domain.com/site: NXDOMAIN


dig domain/site
