首页 > 解决方案 > How to search a given word in word file by C#


How can I check that a word file is contain a given word or not?

Example: I want to write a function: bool IsContain(string word, string filePath). The function will return true if filePath is contain word. Otherwise it will return false.

This is my solution with Aspose framework. Is there any better solution?

public class FindContentOfWordDoc
    public bool FindContent(string filePath, string content)
        var doc = new Document(filePath);

        var findReplaceOptions = new FindReplaceOptions
            ReplacingCallback = new FindCallBack(),
            Direction = FindReplaceDirection.Backward

        var regex = new Regex(content, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        doc.Range.Replace(regex, "", findReplaceOptions);

        return (findReplaceOptions.ReplacingCallback as FindCallBack)?.IsMatch ?? false;

    private class FindCallBack : IReplacingCallback
        public bool IsMatch { get; private set; }
        ReplaceAction IReplacingCallback.Replacing(ReplacingArgs e)
            IsMatch = true;
            return ReplaceAction.Stop;


标签: c#.netaspose


遵循使用 VSTO 的代码段:

if (Application.Selection.Find.Execute(ref findText,
ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref 
ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref 
ref missing, ref missing)) 
   MessageBox.Show("Text found.");
   MessageBox.Show("The text could not be located.");
