首页 > 解决方案 > ggplot2:将对数 stat_smooth 拟合到 geom_ribbon


我正在尝试绘制拟合模型效果ggplot2作为包返回的图的替代effects方案,并且我遇到了使用stat_smooth通过geom_ribbon. 与 的典型用途不同geom_ribbon,我不需要计算波段——eff对象给了我波段的限制——我只需要对它们进行对数变换。有很多关于如何做到这一点geom_line(例如,R,ggplot2:拟合曲线到散点图),但到目前为止我还没有找到任何geom_ribbon.


myEffs <- structure(list(TargetVowelDur = c(0.03, 0.4, 0.8, 1, 2), fit = c(-0.467790933985126, 
0.823476426481035, 1.16901542809292, 1.28025414059112, 1.625793142203
), se = c(0.087385175843338, 0.0895697786138634, 0.0922444075008412, 
0.0932736493340376, 0.0969532573361368), lower = c(-0.639066303684154, 
0.647919224725754, 0.98821594070963, 1.09743733420847, 1.43576428623844
), upper = c(-0.296515564286098, 0.999033628236315, 1.34981491547621, 
1.46307094697376, 1.81582199816757)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
-5L), transformation = function (eta) 
eta, .Names = c("TargetVowelDur", "fit", "se", "lower", "upper"

按原样传递geom_line会产生 4 个连接的线段,而不是对数曲线,因此标准解决方案是添加stat_smooth

p1 <- ggplot(myEffs, aes(x=TargetVowelDur, y=fit)) +
  geom_line(stat="smooth", method="lm", formula=y~log(x))



p2 <- p1 + 
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lower, ymax=upper), stat="smooth", method="lm", formula=y~log(x))


如果我们窥探 的构建p2,我们会发现yminandymaxgeom_ribbon相同的,尽管upperandlower列是不相同的:

> print(lapply(ggplot_build(p2)$data, head))
           x           y        ymin        ymax           se PANEL group colour size linetype alpha
1 0.03000000 -0.46779093 -0.46779093 -0.46779093 2.568169e-15     1    -1  black  0.5        1    NA
2 0.05493671 -0.16620173 -0.16620173 -0.16620173 2.136541e-15     1    -1  black  0.5        1    NA
3 0.07987342  0.02037031  0.02037031  0.02037031 1.887702e-15     1    -1  black  0.5        1    NA
4 0.10481013  0.15581841  0.15581841  0.15581841 1.720023e-15     1    -1  black  0.5        1    NA
5 0.12974684  0.26221720  0.26221720  0.26221720 1.598524e-15     1    -1  black  0.5        1    NA
6 0.15468354  0.34985293  0.34985293  0.34985293 1.506906e-15     1    -1  black  0.5        1    NA

           x           y        ymin        ymax           se PANEL group colour   fill size linetype alpha
1 0.03000000 -0.46779093 -0.46779093 -0.46779093 2.568169e-15     1    -1     NA grey20  0.5        1    NA
2 0.05493671 -0.16620173 -0.16620173 -0.16620173 2.136541e-15     1    -1     NA grey20  0.5        1    NA
3 0.07987342  0.02037031  0.02037031  0.02037031 1.887702e-15     1    -1     NA grey20  0.5        1    NA
4 0.10481013  0.15581841  0.15581841  0.15581841 1.720023e-15     1    -1     NA grey20  0.5        1    NA
5 0.12974684  0.26221720  0.26221720  0.26221720 1.598524e-15     1    -1     NA grey20  0.5        1    NA
6 0.15468354  0.34985293  0.34985293  0.34985293 1.506906e-15     1    -1     NA grey20  0.5        1    NA

> myEffs$upper - myEffs$lower
[1] 0.3425507 0.3511144 0.3615990 0.3656336 0.3800577


标签: rggplot2



g1 <- ggplot(myEffs) + 
  geom_line(aes(x = TargetVowelDur, y = fit), stat = "smooth", method = "lm", formula=y~log(x)) + 
  geom_line(aes(x = TargetVowelDur, y = upper), color = "red", stat = "smooth", method = "lm", formula=y~log(x)) + 
  geom_line(aes(x = TargetVowelDur, y = lower), color = "blue", stat = "smooth", method = "lm", formula=y~log(x))


# build plot object for rendering 
gg1 <- ggplot_build(g1)

# extract data from the upper and lower lines
df2 <- data.frame(x = gg1$data[[1]]$x,
                  ymin = gg1$data[[2]]$y,
                  ymax = gg1$data[[3]]$y) 

# use the lm data to add the ribbon to the plot 
g1 +  geom_ribbon(data = df2, aes(x = x, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = "grey", alpha = 0.4)


基于@Henrik 在这篇文章中的回答
