首页 > 解决方案 > 影响 RStudio 中函数源代码的注释行


我正在 RStudio 中编写以下函数。当我能够成功获取该功能时,该功能将按预期工作。但是,它有时无法获取资源。如下所述,它无法来源。-但是,如果我从第四个注释块的末尾删除一个s,突然更改# extract elements to faut.laut.df ----# extract elements to faut.laut.df ---没有任何问题的代码源。有趣的是,删除这第 4 个-也会extract elements to faut.laut.df从 RStudio 文档大纲中删除。

######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
# create auth_search ---------------------------------------
# create function that wil search for
# all last authors who have published
# on the search terms
######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
auth_search <- function(
    elmnt = NULL,
    download = T,
    max_records = 1e6
) {
    ######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
    # search -> search.l --------------------------------------
    # search pubmed using web history
    # and write out results
    ######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
    # require(data.table)
    # require(rlist)
    # require(XML)
    search.l <- entrez_search(
        db = "pubmed",
        term = term_set,
        use_history = T
    saveRDS(search.l, paste0(search_name, "_search.l.RDS"))
    ######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
    # summarize -> summary.l -----------------------------------
    # get summaries of search hits using
    # web history and write out results
    ######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
    if (download) {
        if (search.l$count > max_records) {
                "greater than ",
                " laut records found for this name"
        else if (search.l$count != 0) {
            for (seq_start in seq(1, search.l$count, download_max)) {
                if (seq_start == 1) {
                    i <- 1
                        "cycle ", i, " of ",
                        ceiling(search.l$count / download_max), "\n"
                    summary.l <- entrez_summary(
                        db = "pubmed",
                        web_history = search.l$web_history,
                        always_return_list = T,
                        retmax = download_max,
                        retstart = seq_start
                else {
                    i <- i + 1
                        "cycle ", i, " of ",
                        ceiling(search.l$count / download_max), "\n"
                    summary.l <- append(
                            db = "pubmed",
                            web_history = search.l$web_history,
                            always_return_list = T,
                            retmax = download_max,
                            retstart = seq_start
            class(summary.l) <- c("esummary_list", "list")
            rm(seq_start, i)
            saveRDS(summary.l, paste0(search_name, "_summary.rds"))
            ######################################## #
            # extract elements to faut.laut.df ----
            # extract desired information from
            # esummary, convert to dataframe
            ######################################## #
            faut.laut.l <- extract_from_esummary(
                esummaries = summary.l,
                elements = elmnt,
                simplify = F
            faut.laut.df <- rbindlist(faut.laut.l)
        else {
            out <- "no last author publications"
    else {


> ######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
> # create auth_search ---------------------------------------
> # create function that wil search for
> # all last authors who have published
> # on the search terms
> ######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
> auth_search <- function(
+     term_set,
+     elmnt = NULL,
+     download = T,
+     max_records = 1e6
+ ) {
+     ######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
+     # search -> search.l --------------------------------------
+     # search pubmed using web history
+     # and write out results
+     ######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
+     require(rentrez)
+     require(dplyr)
+     # require(data.table)
+     # require(rlist)
+     # require(XML)
+     search.l <- entrez_search(
+       db = "pubmed",
+       term = term_set,
+       use_history = T
+     )
+     saveRDS(search.l, paste0(search_name, "_search.l.RDS"))
+     ######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
+     # summarize -> summary.l -----------------------------------
+     # get summaries of search hits using
+     # web history and write out results
+     ######################################## # # # # # # # # # #
+     if (download) {
+         if (search.l$count > max_records) {
+             paste0(
+                 "greater than ",
+                 max_records,
+                 " laut records found for this name"
+             )
+         }
+         else if (search.l$count != 0) {
+             for (seq_start in seq(1, search.l$count, download_max)) {
+                 if (seq_start == 1) {
+                     i <- 1
+                     cat(paste0(
+                         "cycle ", i, " of ",
+                         ceiling(search.l$count / download_max), "\n"
+                     ))
+                     summary.l <- entrez_summary(
+                         db = "pubmed",
+                         web_history = search.l$web_history,
+                         always_return_list = T,
+                         retmax = download_max,
+                         retstart = seq_start
+                     )
+                 }
+                 else {
+                     i <- i + 1
+                     cat(paste0(
+                         "cycle ", i, " of ",
+                         ceiling(search.l$count / download_max), "\n"
+                     ))
+                     summary.l <- append(
+                         summary.l,
+                         entrez_summary(
+                             db = "pubmed",
+                             web_history = search.l$web_history,
+                             always_return_list = T,
+                             retmax = download_max,
+                             retstart = seq_start
+                         )
+                     )
+                 }
+             }
+             class(summary.l) <- c("esummary_list", "list")
+             rm(seq_start, i)
+             saveRDS(summary.l, paste0(search_name, "_summary.rds"))
+             ######################################## #
+             # extract elements to faut.laut.df ----
+             # extract desired information from
+             # esummary, convert to dataframe
+             ######################################## #
+             faut.laut.l <- extract_from_esummary(
+                 esummaries = summary.l,
+                 elements = elmnt,
+                 simplify = F
+             )
+             faut.laut.df <- rbindlist(faut.laut.l)
+             faut.laut.df
+         }


标签: rcompilation



# if you copy/paste this into RStudio, there's an arrow on the margin to
# compact the ---- as if it's in brackets like {}
f <- function() {
      # extract elements to faut.laut.df -----

我已经在最新的稳定 RStudio 下载中检查了它。也许尝试开发版本,否则我建议使用我上面给出的示例代码在https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues上打开一个问题。


它被称为代码折叠,我想这是一个功能而不是一个错误: https: //support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/200484568-Code-Folding-and-Sections
