首页 > 解决方案 > 在打字稿中声明具有最小/最大长度的字符串类型




标签: javascriptstringtypescriptvalidationconstraints




type StringOfLength<Min, Max> = string & {
  StringOfLength: unique symbol // this is the phantom type

// This is a type guard function which can be used to assert that a string
// is of type StringOfLength<Min,Max>
const isStringOfLength = <Min extends number, Max extends number>(
  str: string,
  min: Min,
  max: Max
): str is StringOfLength<Min, Max> => str.length >= min && str.length <= max;
// type constructor function
export const stringOfLength = <Min extends number, Max extends number>(
  input: unknown,
  min: Min,
  max: Max
): StringOfLength<Min, Max> => {
  if (typeof input !== "string") {
    throw new Error("invalid input");
  if (!isStringOfLength(input, min, max)) {
    throw new Error("input is not between specified min and max");
  return input; // the type of input here is now StringOfLength<Min,Max>

// Now we can use our type constructor function
const myString = stringOfLength('hello', 1, 10) // myString has type StringOfLength<1,10>

// the type constructor fails if the input is invalid
stringOfLength('a', 5, 10) // Error: input is not between specified min and max

// The phantom type prevents us from assigning StringOfLength manually like this:
const a: StringOfLength<0, 10> = 'hello' // Type '"hello"' is not assignable to type { StringOfLength: unique symbol }

这里有一些限制 - 您无法阻止某人创建无效类型,StringOfLength<-1, -300>但您可以添加运行时检查以确保传递给构造函数的min和值有效。maxstringOfLength
