首页 > 解决方案 > 并行 Latex 环境中的 Jutification



  1. 理由不起作用,因此每一列都渗入空白区域并且不完全合理。

  2. 我想要一条分隔两列的垂直线:在左列的右边缘。

  3. 而且这些段落似乎没有缩进,或者它们之间没有空格。


\tolerance 代码通常用于解决对齐问题,但它不在这里。而且, \colseprulecolor{CustomGrey} 通常适用于一行,但不在这里。


\usepackage[letterpaper,                                                        %  Choose paper size
                    left=   1.0in,                                                      %  Set the margins                              
                    right= 1.0in,                                                       %
                    top=   1.0in,                                                       %
                    bottom=1.5in]{geometry}                                 %

\usepackage{paracol,lipsum}                                                 % Needed for the column environment
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}                                                 % Apostrophes and quotes need this
\usepackage{fancyhdr}                                                           % Needed for header and footer lines and colors
\usepackage{pythontex}                                                      % Allows for the inclusion of Python code
\usepackage{lastpage}                                                           % Needed for page numbering
\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor}                                         % Needed for the colors in the commands 

 %---------------------------- Colors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------% 

\definecolor{CustomOrange}{rgb}{1, 0.43529, 0.01176}            % Define custom colors
\definecolor{CustomGrey}{rgb}{0.4745, 0.4745, 0.4745}       % Define custom colors

%---------------------------- Header & Footer -------------------------------------------------------------------% 


\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1.0pt}                                % Thickness of  header rule

\renewcommand{\headrule}{\hbox to\headwidth{\color{CustomOrange}\leaders\hrule height \headrulewidth\hfill}}    

\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1pt}                                  % Thickness of  header rule

\renewcommand{\footrule}{\hbox to\headwidth{\color{CustomOrange}\leaders\hrule height \headrulewidth\hfill}}

\fancyfoot[R]{Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}             % Page numbering

\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}                                                     % Indentation of paragraphs
\setlength{\parskip}{0.35cm plus0mm minus0mm}                   % Used to set space between paragraphs. Requires {parskip}


%---------------------------- Set Columns -----------------------------------------------------------------------%  

%\columnsep=0.05\textwidth                                                  % Set space between columns
%\setcolumnwidth{.35\textwidth, .6\textwidth}                           % One entry for each column, see paracol{} below 

\tolerance=1                                                                                % Code fixes the justification issue with columns flowing over
\emergencystretch=\maxdimen                                                 %
\hyphenpenalty=10000                                                            %
\hbadness=10000                                                                     %

\setlength{\columnseprule}{1.0pt}                                           % Thickness and color of vertical line between columns
\colseprulecolor{CustomGrey}                                                %

%---------------------------- Begin Document---------------------------------------------------------------------%  






标签: latex


问题 1可以使用\sloppy关键字来解决。它用于处理宽度较小的列/框以止血。

\begin{Parallel}{2in}{4in}当您更改为时,问题 2将消除\begin{Parallel}[v]{2in}{4in}[v]表示列之间的垂直线

问题 3的出现是因为\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}您在序言中指定的行。这将重置整个文档中的缩进。


%Remove the follwing line:     \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}




\usepackage[letterpaper,                                    % Choose paper size
                    left=   1.0in,                          % Set the margins                              
                    right= 1.0in,
                    top=   1.0in,
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}                                 % Apostrophes and quotes need this
\usepackage{fancyhdr}                                       % Needed for header and footer lines and colors
\usepackage{pythontex}                                      % Allows for the inclusion of Python code
\usepackage{lastpage}                                       % Needed for page numbering
\usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor}                             % Needed for the colors in the commands 
\usepackage{lipsum}                                         % Random text
%---------------------------- New Packages ----------------------------------------------------------------------%
\usepackage{paracol}                                        % Used for creating independent columns as well as page layout
\usepackage{float}                                          % Allows to insert table/figure in the exact position by using the H parameter
\usepackage[none]{hyphenat}                                 % No hyphenation
\usepackage{wrapfig}                                        % Allows to wrap table/figure to span both left and right column

\definecolor{CustomOrange}{rgb}{1, 0.43529, 0.01176}        % Define custom colors
\definecolor{CustomGrey}{rgb}{0.4745, 0.4745, 0.4745}       % Define custom colors

%---------------------------- Header & Footer -------------------------------------------------------------------% 

\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{1.0pt}                        % Thickness of header rule

\renewcommand{\headrule}{\hbox to\headwidth{\color{CustomOrange}\leaders\hrule height \headrulewidth\hfill}}    

\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1pt}                          % Thickness of footer rule

\renewcommand{\footrule}{\hbox to\headwidth{\color{CustomOrange}\leaders\hrule height \headrulewidth\hfill}}

\fancyfoot[R]{Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}         % Page numbering


%---------------------------- Paragraph Style -------------------------------------------------------------------%
\setlength\parindent{0pt}% no indentation
% The two lines below used to set the space between paragraphs to 0.35cm

%---------------------------- Set Columns -----------------------------------------------------------------------%
\setcolumnwidth{0.35\textwidth,0.65\textwidth}              % Size of columns (col 1 and col 2) respectively
\setlength{\columnseprule}{1.0pt}                           % Thickness and color of vertical line between columns
\colseprulecolor{CustomGrey}                                % Color of the vertical line between columns
\setlength{\columnsep}{3em}                                 % Size of the space between columns.

%---------------------------- Color of Document -----------------------------------------------------------------%
\backgroundcolor{c[0]}[RGB]{255, 186, 186}                  % Color of left column (light red)
\backgroundcolor{c[1]}[RGB]{186, 186, 255}                  % Color of right column (light blue)
\backgroundcolor{g}{yellow}                                 % Color of space between the columns
\backgroundcolor{t}{green}                                  % Color of top margin
\backgroundcolor{b}{purple}                                 % Color of bottom margin
\backgroundcolor{l}{brown}                                  % Color of left margin
\backgroundcolor{r}{orange}                                 % Color of right margin
\backgroundcolor{p}{black}                                  % Color of the space remaining when the columns don't span the whole page (IMPORTANT!)

%---------------------------- Miscellaneous --------------------------------------------------------------------%

% Paracol uses its own numbering of tables/figures, \globalcounter* allows to
% Use the default numbering that latex uses. It is needed because it will mess
% the numbering in your document.
% \printpythontex                                           % You might need this??
%---------------------------- Begin Document---------------------------------------------------------------------%  
        % We start at left column (column[0])
        \textbf{Beginning of paragraph 1 (placed on the left column).} \lipsum[1] \textbf{End of paragraph 1.}
            \caption{First figure in document and is placed in the first column (first figure in column 1).}
        % End of left column
        % Start at the right column (column[1])
        \textbf{Beginning of paragraph 2 (placed on the right column).} \lipsum[2] \textbf{End of paragraph 2.}
            \caption{Second figure in document and is placed in the second column (first figure in column 2).}
        % End of right column
        % Switch back to left column (column[0])
        \textbf{Beginning of paragraph 3 (placed on the left column).} \lipsum[3] \textbf{End of paragraph 3.}
            \caption{Third figure in document and is placed in the first column (second figure in column 1).}
        % End of left column
        % Switch to right column (column[1])
        \textbf{Beginning of paragraph 4 (placed on the right column).} \lipsum[4] \textbf{End of paragraph 4.}
            \caption{Fourth figure in document and is placed in the second column (second figure in column 2).}
        \textbf{Beginning of paragraph 5 (placed on the right column).} \lipsum[5] \textbf{End of paragraph 5.}
        \begin{table}[H]% Try here, and then top
            \begin{tabular}{ |c|c|c|c|c|c| } 
                cell1 & cell2 & cell3 & cell4 & cell5 & cell6 \\ 
                cell1 & cell2 & cell3 & cell4 & cell5 & cell6 \\ 
                cell1 & cell2 & cell3 & cell4 & cell5 & cell6 \\ 
            \caption{The one and only table in the document. It is placed in column 2.}
        % End of right column   
