首页 > 解决方案 > don't understand this lambda expression with defaultdict


I saw this example at pythontips. I do not understand the second line when defaultdict takes an argument "tree" and return a "tree".

import collections
tree = lambda: collections.defaultdict(tree)
some_dict = tree()
some_dict['color']['favor'] = "yellow"
# Works fine

After I run this code, I checked the type of some_dict

defaultdict(< function < lambda > at 0x7f19ae634048 >, 
            {'color': defaultdict(
                  < function < lambda > at 0x7f19ae634048 >, {'favor': 'yellow'})})

标签: pythonpython-3.xlambdadefaultdict


This is a pretty clever way to create a recursive defaultdict. It's a little tricky to understand at first but once you dig into what's happening, it's actually a pretty simple use of recursion.

In this example, we define a recursive lambda function, tree, that returns a defaultdict whose constructor is tree. Let's rewrite this using regular functions for clarity.

from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pprint

def get_recursive_dict():
    return defaultdict(get_recursive_dict)

Note that we're returning defaultdict(get_recursive_dict) and not defaultdict(get_recursive_dict()). We want to pass defaultdict a callable object (i.e. the function get_recursive_dict). Actually calling get_recursive_dict() would result in infinite recursion.

If we call get_recursive_dict, we get an empty defaultdict whose default value is the function get_recursive_dict.

recursive_dict = get_recursive_dict()
# defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x0000000004FFC4A8>, {})

Let's see this in action. Create the key 'alice' and it's corresponding value defaults to an empty defaultdict whose default value is the function get_recursive_dict. Notice that this is the same default value as our recursive_dict!

# defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x0000000004AF46D8>, {})
# defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x0000000004AF46D8>, {'alice': defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x0000000004AF46D8>, {})})

So we can create as many nested dictionaries as we want.

recursive_dict['bob']['age'] = 2
recursive_dict['charlie']['food']['dessert'] = 'cake'
# defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x00000000049BD4A8>, {'charlie': defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x00000000049BD4A8>, {'food': defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x00000000049BD4A8>, {'dessert': 'cake'})}), 'bob': defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x00000000049BD4A8>, {'age': 2}), 'alice': defaultdict(<function get_recursive_dict at 0x00000000049BD4A8>, {})})

Once you overwrite the default value with a key, you can no longer create arbitrarily deep nested dictionaries.

recursive_dict['bob']['age']['year'] = 2016
# TypeError: 'int' object does not support item assignment

I hope this clears things up!
