首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 linq 查找树视图子节点的路径。(完全展平树视图)



A0 -----
A1 -----
   B0 ----
   B1 ----
       C0 ----
       C1 ----

主分支 A0、A1、A2 的类型相同。B0、B1 属于同一类型。C0、C1 属于同一类型。A型、B型和C型是不同的类型。我需要从每个顶部节点向下通过其所有子分支到其终端子节点的路径。也就是说(假设每个级别都可以表示为一个字符串),输出需要是:

  1. A0
  2. A1
  3. A2 -- B0
  4. A2 -- B1 -- C0
  5. A2 -- B1 -- C1






view_consulting[] v = MyNetwork.Medical.Client.GetConsultingStaff();
            var s = v.GroupBy(p => p.speciality_name).Select(q => new SpecialityTreeItem(q));


 public class SpecialityTreeItem : SimpleViewModelBase
        #region [Fields]
        private string _speciality;

        #region [Constructors]
        public SpecialityTreeItem() { }

        public SpecialityTreeItem(string speciality_name  )
            Speciality = speciality_name;

            var _offices = MyNetwork.Medical.Client.GetOffices(speciality_name);

            Offices = new ObservableCollection<OfficeTreeItem>(
                  _offices.Select(q => new OfficeTreeItem(q.office_name, Speciality) { City = q.city, Phone = q.phone, Fax = q.fax }));

        public SpecialityTreeItem(IGrouping<string, view_consulting> specialityGroup)
            Speciality = specialityGroup.Key;

            // Create a subgroup for office under each SpecialityTreeItem for each office name.
            var _offices = specialityGroup.Where(q => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.office_name))
                .GroupBy(q => q.office_name)
                .Select(y => new OfficeTreeItem(y)).ToList();

            Offices = new ObservableCollection<OfficeTreeItem>(_offices);

        // Constructor to build a tree with single branches per level. (i.e., only one office per speciality, or one doctor per office).
        public SpecialityTreeItem(SpecialityTreeItem sti, OfficeTreeItem oti, DoctorTreeItem dti)
            Speciality = sti.Speciality;
            Offices = new ObservableCollection<OfficeTreeItem>();

            if (oti != null)
                var m = new OfficeTreeItem[]{ new OfficeTreeItem(oti,dti)};
                Offices = new ObservableCollection<OfficeTreeItem>(m);

        #region [Properties]
        public string Speciality
            get { return _speciality; }
            set { if (_speciality == value) return; _speciality = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); }

        public ObservableCollection<OfficeTreeItem> Offices { get; set; }



public class OfficeTreeItem : SimpleViewModelBase
        #region [Fields]
        private string _speciality;
        private string _officeName;
        private string _city;
        private string _phone;
        private string _fax;

        #region [Constructors]
        public OfficeTreeItem() { }

        public OfficeTreeItem(IGrouping<string, view_consulting> officeGroup)
            OfficeName = officeGroup.Key;
            Speciality = officeGroup.First().speciality_name;

            var _doctors = officeGroup.Where(q => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.lastname))
                .GroupBy(q => new { q.lastname, q.firstname, q.speciality_name })
                .Select(y => new DoctorTreeItem() {
                    FirstName = y.Key.firstname, LastName =y.Key.lastname, Speciality = y.Key.speciality_name

            Doctors = new ObservableCollection<DoctorTreeItem>(_doctors);


        public OfficeTreeItem(string Office_Name, string speciality_name)
            OfficeName = Office_Name;
            Speciality = speciality_name;

            view_consultant[] _doctor_office = MyNetwork.Medical.Client.GetConsultants(OfficeName, Speciality);
            Doctors = new ObservableCollection<DoctorTreeItem>(
                _doctor_office.Select(q => new DoctorTreeItem() { LastName = q.lastname, FirstName = q.firstname, Speciality = q.specialty_name}

        public OfficeTreeItem(OfficeTreeItem oti, DoctorTreeItem dti)
            OfficeName = oti.OfficeName;
            City = oti.City;
            Phone = oti.Phone;
            Fax = oti.Fax;

            Doctors = new ObservableCollection<DoctorTreeItem>();

            if (dti != null)
                var m = new DoctorTreeItem[]{dti}; 

                Doctors = new ObservableCollection<DoctorTreeItem>( m );

        #region [Properties]
        public ObservableCollection<DoctorTreeItem> Doctors { get; set; }
        public string Speciality
            get { return _speciality; }
            set { if (_speciality == value) return; _speciality = value; RaisePropertyChanged();  }
        public string OfficeName
            get { return _officeName; }
            set { if (_officeName == value) return; _officeName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); }
        public string City
            get { return _city; }
            set { if (_city == value) return; _city = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); }
        public string Phone
            get { return _phone; }
            set { if (_phone == value) return; _phone = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); }
        public string Fax
            get { return _fax; }
            set { if (_fax == value) return; _fax = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); }



 public class DoctorTreeItem : SimpleViewModelBase
        #region [Fields]
        private string _lastName;
        private string _firstName;
        private string _speciality;

        #region [Constructor]
        public DoctorTreeItem()

        public DoctorTreeItem(DoctorTreeItem dti)
            LastName = dti.LastName;
            FirstName = dti.FirstName;
            Speciality = dti.Speciality;


        #region [Properties]
        public string LastName
            get { return _lastName; }
            set { if (_lastName == value) return; _lastName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); }
        public string FirstName
            get { return _firstName; }
            set { if (_firstName == value) return; _firstName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); }
        public string Speciality
            get { return _speciality; }
            set { if (_speciality == value) return; _speciality = value; RaisePropertyChanged(); }

标签: c#linqtreeview


看起来你需要一个递归函数,而不是 linq ......


public string GetPaths(int pathCounter, TreeNodeCollection nodes)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    foreach(TreeNode node in nodes)
        if (node.Nodes.Count == 0)
            sb.Append($"{pathCounter++} {node.FullPath}\n");
            sb.Append(GetPaths(pathCounter, node.Nodes));

    return sb.ToString();


public string GetPaths(IEnumerable<SpecialityTreeItem> stil)
    int pathCounter;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    foreach(var sti in stil)
        if (sti.Offices.Count == 0)
            sb.Append($"{pathCounter++} {sti.Speciality}\n");
            foreach (var oti in sti.Offices)
                if (oti.Doctors.Count == 0)
                    sb.Append($"{pathCounter++} {sti.Speciality} -- {oti.OfficeName}\n");
                    foreach (var dti in oti.Doctors)
                        sb.Append($"{pathCounter++} {sti.Speciality} -- {oti.OfficeName} -- {dti.LastName}, {dti.FirstName}\n");

    return sb.ToString();

这有点难看。问题是层次结构中的每个类都有不同的属性来到达层次结构中的下一个级别,因此不能使用递归函数。如果您可以使用通用名称而不是Officesand Doctors,那可能会有所帮助,但您DoctorTreeItem不支持拥有从属项。


public string GetPaths(IEnumerable<SpecialityTreeItem> stil)
    int pathCounter;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    foreach(var sti in stil)
        if (sti.Offices.Count == 0)
            sb.Append($"{pathCounter++} {sti}\n");
            foreach (var oti in sti.Offices)
                if (oti.Doctors.Count == 0)
                    sb.Append($"{pathCounter++} {sti} -- {oti}\n");
                    foreach (var dti in oti.Doctors)
                        sb.Append($"{pathCounter++} {sti} -- {oti} -- {dti}\n");

    return sb.ToString();

