首页 > 解决方案 > 从字符串中提取所有电话号码





 var rtel = new RegExp(/^(\+\d{1,2}\s)?\(?\d{3}\)?[\s.-]\d{3}[\s.-]\d{4}$/gi)

 var r = "Inthe (555)-555-5555 pavithrarox @gmail.com strings below, you 'll find that the content of each 1. abc .  pavithraprbd@gmail.com  line is indented by some whitespace from the index of the line (the number is a part of the text to match). Try writing a pattern that can match each line regardless of how much whitespace is between the number and the content. Notice that the whitespace characters are just like any other character and the special metacharacters like the star and the plus can be used as well.".match(rtel);


标签: javascriptnode.jsregexnlpdata-extraction


删除正则表达式中的^(start) 和$(end) 锚点。如果你把它们放进去,你的整个字符串必须匹配。

var anchors = new RegExp(/^(\+\d{1,2}\s)?\(?\d{3}\)?[\s.-]\d{3}[\s.-]\d{4}$/gi);

var no_anchors = new RegExp(/(\+\d{1,2}\s)?\(?\d{3}\)?[\s.-]\d{3}[\s.-]\d{4}/gi);

var testString1 = "Inthe (555)-555-5555 pavithrarox @gmail.com strings below, you 'll find that the content of each 1. abc .  pavithraprbd@gmail.com  line is indented by some whitespace from the index of the line (the number is a part of the text to match). Try writing a pattern that can match each line regardless of how much whitespace is between the number and the content. Notice that the whitespace characters are just like any other character and the special metacharacters like the star and the plus can be used as well.";

var testString2 = "(555)-555-5555";

console.log("testString1 - anchors: ", testString1.match(anchors)) // null
console.log("testString1 - no_anchors: ", testString1.match(no_anchors)) // ['(555)-555-5555']

console.log("testString2 - anchors: ", testString2.match(anchors)) // ['(555)-555-5555']
console.log("testString2 - no_anchors: ", testString2.match(no_anchors)) // ['(555)-555-5555']
