首页 > 解决方案 > 按顺序将节点插入到排序的双向链表中



DoublyLinkedListNode* sortedInsert(DoublyLinkedListNode* head, int data){

    DoublyLinkedListNode* temp = new DoublyLinkedListNode(data);

    if (head == NULL)  
        return temp;   

    if (head->data == data)  
        return head;  

    if (head->data > data)   
         temp->next = head;          
         return temp;   

    if(head->next != NULL)  
         head->next = sortedInsert(head->next, data);   

        head->next = temp;  

    return head;


标签: c++insertnodes


Whole your function can be written as:

DoublyLinkedListNode* sortedInsert(DoublyLinkedListNode* head, int data)
    if( head and head->data <= data ) {
        if( head->data < data ) 
           head->next = sortedInsert(head->next, data);
        return head;
    DoublyLinkedListNode* temp = new DoublyLinkedListNode(data);
    temp->next = head;
    return temp;

it is shorter, simpler and does not have memory leak. Btw it is usually not a good idea to call single linked list node as DoublyLinkedListNode and also it is not a good idea to return raw pointer to dynamically allocated memory, use a smart pointer instead.
