首页 > 解决方案 > Trigger Enter field behaviour through class for a control


I raised a query which now works as per David Zemens' instructions and BrakNicku guidance.

Problem is one of the events I want to use is Enter. Within the class, I don't get the option for this event. Is there is a way to add this to the class or trigger an Enter event for the control somehow?

I tried most of the events available within the class but none of them behave the way I need them to.

A quick background: I use Enter event to set help text for the field in focus. So every time a user enters a field, I have a help textbox that gets populated with help text.

I am unable to share the workbook.

标签: excelvba


Let's say your userform (Userform1) looks like this

enter image description here

I am going to demonstrate the Enter Event for 2 controls. TextBox and ComboBox.

Ensure that you place the CommandButton1 first on the userform. Or alternatively, set it's TabIndex to 0. This is so that the command button takes focus first when the userform loads and you can test the Entering of TextBox and ComboBox.

enter image description here

Paste this in a class module. My Class module name is Class1

Option Explicit

Public WithEvents Usrfrm As UserForm1
Const MyMsg As String = "Hiya there. Did you just try to sneak into the "

Private Sub Usrfrm_OnEnter(ctrl As msforms.Control)
    Select Case True
        Case TypeName(ctrl) Like "ComboBox"
            'Call Usrfrm.Combobox_List(ctrl)
            MsgBox MyMsg & "combobox?", vbCritical, "Aha!"
        Case TypeName(ctrl) Like "TextBox"
            MsgBox MyMsg & "textbox?", vbCritical, "Aha!"
    End Select
End Sub

Paste this in the userform code area

Option Explicit

Public Event OnEnter(ctrl As msforms.Control)
Private prevCtl As msforms.Control
Private mycls As Class1
Private IsfrmUnloaded As Boolean

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Layout()
    Call spyWhatsGoingOn
End Sub

Private Sub spyWhatsGoingOn()
    Set mycls = New Class1
    Set mycls.Usrfrm = Me

    IsfrmUnloaded = False

    Set prevCtl = Me.ActiveControl

    RaiseEvent OnEnter(Me.ActiveControl)

    Do While IsfrmUnloaded = False
        If Not prevCtl Is Nothing Then
            If Not prevCtl Is Me.ActiveControl Then
                RaiseEvent OnEnter(Me.ActiveControl)
            End If
        End If
        Set prevCtl = Me.ActiveControl
End Sub


enter image description here
