首页 > 解决方案 > How can I check if a resource was created by CloudFormation?


I have inherited an AWS account with a lot of resources. Some of them were created manually, other by CloudFormation.

How can I check if a resource (in my case Security Group) was created by CloudFormation and belongs to a stack?

For some security groups aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-ids real_id results in:

"Tags": [
                "Value": "REAL_NAME",
                "Key": "aws:cloudformation:logical-id"
                "Value": "arn:aws:cloudformation:<REAL_ID>",
                "Key": "aws:cloudformation:stack-id"

Other security groups don't have any tags.

Is it the only indicator? I mean, someone could easily remove tags form an SG created by CloudFormation.

标签: amazon-cloudformation


根据官方文档,除了您定义的任何标签外,AWS CloudFormation 还会自动创建以下堆栈级标签,前缀为 aws::

aws:cloudformation:逻辑 ID

aws:cloudformation:堆栈 ID


所有堆栈级标签(包括自动创建的标签)都会传播到 AWS CloudFormation 支持的资源。目前,标签不会传播到从块储存设备映射创建的 Amazon EBS 卷


这应该是一个很好的起点,但由于 CF 不强制执行堆栈状态,因此如果有人手动删除了某些内容,那么您永远不会知道。

如果我是你,我会通过 Cloudformer 导出所有内容(支持)并按照我的方式重新设计整个设置。


您可以将资源的PhysicalResourceId传递给describe_stack_resources,如果它属于 CF 堆栈,则可以获取堆栈信息。这是一个例子:

cf = boto3.client('cloudformation') cf.describe_stack_resources(PhysicalResourceId="i-0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

