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Sub FindData(wbW As Workbook, WbD As Workbook, ByVal dCol As Long)
    Dim wSh As Long
    Dim dSh As Long
    Dim w As Long, d As Long, c As Long
    Dim col As String
    Dim co As String
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim var As Range, coCl As Range
    Dim lastColD As Long, lastColW As Long, lastRowW
    Dim wsW As Worksheet, wsD As Worksheet
    Dim dc As Long, wc As Long
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
    Debug.Print WbD.Name
    Debug.Print wbW.Name
    If wbW.Name = ws.Range("A2") & ".xlsx" And WbD.Name = ws.Range("A4") & ".xlsx" Then
      col = "D"
      If wbW.Name = ws.Range("A2") & ".xlsx" And WbD.Name = ws.Range("A5") & ".xlsx" Then
        col = "G"
        If wbW.Name = ws.Range("A2") & ".xlsx" And WbD.Name = ws.Range("A6") & ".xlsx" Then
          col = "J"
          If wbW.Name = ws.Range("A3") & ".xlsx" And WbD.Name = ws.Range("A7") & ".xlsx" Then
            col = "M"
            If wbW.Name = ws.Range("A3") & ".xlsx" And WbD.Name = ws.Range("A8") & ".xlsx" Then
              col = "P"
            End If
          End If
        End If
      End If
    End If
    wSh = ws.Range(col & 1).End(xlDown).Row
    dSh = WbD.Worksheets.Count
    For w = 3 To wSh        'Working file sheets listed in macro workbook Sheet1
      Set wsW = wbW.Worksheets(ws.Range(col & w).Value)
      lastColW = wsW.Cells(2, wsW.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
      lastRowW = wsW.Cells(wsW.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
      For c = 5 To lastRowW       'Companies in working file
        co = wsW.Range("B" & c)
        For d = 1 To dSh    'Data worksheet
          Set coCl = Nothing
          Set wsD = WbD.Worksheets(d)
          If wsD.Range("A1") = co Then
             Set coCl = wsD.Range("A1")
            If wsD.Range("A2") = co Then
              Set coCl = wsD.Range("A2")
            End If
          End If
          If Not coCl Is Nothing Then
            lastColD = wsD.Cells(coCl.Offset(1, 0).Row, wsD.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    '        If WbD.Name = "2005-2010.xlsx" Then
    '          yr = "5-10"
    '        End If
            If lastColD = 1 Then
              lastColD = wsD.Cells(coCl.Offset(2, 0).Row, wsD.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
              Set coCl = coCl.Offset(1, 0)
            End If
            Set var = wsD.Range("A3").CurrentRegion.Columns(1).Find(ws.Range(col & w).Offset(0, 1), , xlValues, xlPart, , , False)
            'Debug.Print wsD.Name
            For dc = 2 To lastColD
              For wc = 5 To lastColW
                'Debug.Print wsD.Cells(coCl.Offset(1, 0).Row, dc).Value
                'Debug.Print wsW.Cells(2, wc).Value
                If wsD.Cells(coCl.Offset(1, 0).Row, dc).Value = wsW.Cells(2, wc).Value Then
                'wsD.Range(wsD.Cells(var.Row, 2), wsD.Cells(var.Row, lastColD)).Copy Destination:=wsW.Cells(c, dCol)
    '              Debug.Print wsD.Name
    '              Debug.Print wsD.Cells(var.Row, dc).Value
                  wsW.Cells(c, wc).Value = wsD.Cells(var.Row, dc).Value
                End If
            Exit For
          End If

    'Debug.Print WbD.Name
    'Debug.Print wbW.Name
    End Sub

标签: excelvba


@BruceWayne 的建议是,您需要Find在以后使用之前验证功能是否成功。

Set Var = wsD.Range("A3").CurrentRegion.Columns(1).Find(ws.Range(col & w).Offset(0, 1), , xlValues, xlPart, , , False)

If Not Var Is Nothing Then ' <-- make sure Find function was able to find a match
    ' rest of your code goes here

    ' raise an error message
    MsgBox "Unable to find " & ws.Range(col & w).Offset(0, 1) & " in the range specified", vbCritical, "Error!"
End If

If此外,您可以使用AndtoIf和更改您的倍数Select Case,如下面的代码所示:

If wbW.Name = ws.Range("A2") & ".xlsx" Then

    Select Case WbD.Name ' using Select case can clear and simpify your code
        Case ws.Range("A4") & ".xlsx"
            col = "D"

        Case ws.Range("A5") & ".xlsx"
            col = "G"

        Case ws.Range("A6") & ".xlsx"
            col = "J"

        Case ws.Range("A7") & ".xlsx"
            col = "MD"

        Case ws.Range("A8") & ".xlsx"
            col = "P"

    End Select
End If
