首页 > 解决方案 > 谁能弄清楚为什么我的循环会失败?


这是我在此的头一篇博文。我是 C++ 新手(上周才开始),花了几个小时在这上面,我很难过。



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//Global Variables

int cubeLength = 0;
int cubeWidth = 0;
int cubeHeight = 0;
int cubeSurfaceArea = 0;
int cubeVolume = 0;
bool valid = false;

int main() {

//Ask user for cubeLength and validate input for integer values
do {
cout << "Please enter a numerical value for the length of a cube" <<endl;
cin >> cubeLength;
    if (cin.good()) {
        valid = true;
        //Ask user for cubeWidth and validate input for integer values
        do {    
            cout << "Please enter a numerical value for the width of a cube" <<endl;
            cin >> cubeWidth;
            if (cin.good()) {
                valid = true;
                //Ask user for cubeHeight and validate input for integer values
                do {
                    cout << "Please enter a numerical value for the height of a cube" <<endl;
                    cin >> cubeHeight;
                    if (cin.good()) {
                        valid = true;
                        cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
                        cout << "Invalid cube height. Please try again" << endl;
                }while (!valid);
                cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
                cout << "Invalid cube width. Please try again" << endl;
        }while (!valid);
        cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
        cout << "Invalid cube length. Input is not an integer" << endl;
} while (!valid);

//Perform calculations for surface area and volume then assign them to their associated variables
if (cubeLength >= 1 && cubeWidth >= 1 && cubeHeight >= 1)
        valid = true;
        cubeSurfaceArea = ((2*(cubeWidth*cubeLength))+(2*(cubeLength*cubeHeight))+(2*(cubeWidth*cubeHeight)));
        cubeVolume = (cubeWidth*cubeLength*cubeHeight);
    else {
        cout << "Sorry, one or more cube inputs is invalid. Ending program. Please restart and try again." << endl;
        return 0;

//Output surface area and volume to user
cout << "Length = " << cubeLength << " Width = " << cubeWidth << " Height = " << cubeHeight << endl;
cout << "The surface area of your cube is " << cubeSurfaceArea << "." << endl;
cout << "The volume of your cube is " << cubeVolume << "." << endl;

//Pause system and end program
return 0;

我在底部添加了用于计算的 if 语句,以阻止它在整个程序中一直下降并退出。


标签: c++loopsvalidationintcin


循环的主要问题是您设置validtrue但从不设置false,因此该语句while (!valid)永远不会评估为假。


我没有测试下面的代码,但是这种类型的结构更容易阅读 - 即分别进行每个输入,而不是将所有输入混在一起!:-)

//Ask user for cubeLength and validate input for integer values
valid = true;
do {
     cout << "Please enter a numerical value for the length of a cube" <<endl;
     cin >> cubeLength;
     if (!cin.good()) {
        valid = false;
        cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
        cout << "Invalid cube length. Input is not an integer" << endl;
} while (!valid);

//Ask user for cubeWidth and validate input for integer values
do {
    cout << "Please enter a numerical value for the width of a cube" <<endl;
    cin >> cubeWidth;
    if (!cin.good()) {
        valid = false;
        cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
        cout << "Invalid cube width. Please try again" << endl;
} while (!valid);

//Ask user for cubeHeight and validate input for integer values
do {
    cout << "Please enter a numerical value for the width of a cube" <<endl;
    cin >> cubeWidth;
    if (!cin.good()) {
        valid = false;
        cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
        cout << "Invalid cube height. Please try again" << endl;
 }while (!valid);
