首页 > 解决方案 > java允许我将此对象分配给此通用字段吗?


在我的 POJO 编辑器中,我需要检查用户提供的类名是否可以实例化并分配给通用属性。Guava 反射几乎提供了我需要的一切:我解析类型然后调用proptype.isSupertypeOf(implClazz),但这并没有按预期工作。

例如,我有类型标记:java.util.Collection<java.sql.Timestamp>并且我希望我的检查接受ArrayList并且扩展 rawArrayListArrayList<Timestamp>本身的类被参数化,但不接受扩展的类ArrayList<Integer>


    package com.common.jsp.beans;

    import java.lang.reflect.Field;
    import java.lang.reflect.Type;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collection;

    import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken;

    public class TestTypeInf
        public static class MyCollection1 extends ArrayList<Integer> {
        public static class MyCollection2 extends ArrayList<Timestamp> {
        public static class MyCollection3<T> extends ArrayList<T> {
        public static class MyCollection4 extends ArrayList {

        public static Collection<Timestamp> fld;

        public static void main( String[] args )
                        throws Exception
            // bad: fld = new MyCollection1();
            fld = new MyCollection2();
            fld = new MyCollection3(); // just a warning
            fld = new MyCollection4(); // just a warning

            Field getter = TestTypeInf.class.getField( "fld" );
            Type memberType = getter.getGenericType();

            TypeToken<?> resolved = TypeToken.of( TestTypeInf.class ).resolveType( memberType );
            System.out.println( "type of fld: " + resolved );

            checkAssignable(resolved, MyCollection1.class);
            checkAssignable(resolved, MyCollection2.class);
            checkAssignable(resolved, MyCollection3.class); // This should be totally valid
            checkAssignable(resolved, MyCollection4.class); // why no?

        private static void checkAssignable(TypeToken<?> resolved, Class<?> implClass) {
            System.out.println( "fld = new " + implClass.getSimpleName() + "()" );
            System.out.println( resolved.isSupertypeOf( implClass ) ? "yes" : "no" );


type of fld: java.util.Collection<java.sql.Timestamp>
fld = new MyCollection1()
fld = new MyCollection2()
fld = new MyCollection3()
fld = new MyCollection4()
fld = new ArrayList()

标签: javagenericsreflectionguava


这很 hacky,但由于您尝试做的事情也相当 hacky(即试图反思性地确定在编译器中引发未经检查的警告的分配),我认为这是合理的:

private static boolean isAssignable(TypeToken<?> resolved, Class<?> implClass) {
    return resolved.isSupertypeOf(implClass) || isAnySupertypeAssignable(resolved, implClass);

private static boolean isAnySupertypeAssignable(TypeToken<?> resolved, Class<?> implClass) {
    return TypeToken.of(implClass).getTypes().stream()
            .anyMatch(supertype -> isUncheckedSupertype(resolved, supertype));

private static boolean isUncheckedSupertype(TypeToken<?> resolved, TypeToken<?> implTypeToken) {
    if (implTypeToken.getType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
        return false; // this prevents assignments of Collection<Integer> to Collection<Timestamp>
    try {
        return true;
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        return false;


fld = new MyCollection1() -> no
fld = new MyCollection2() -> yes
fld = new MyCollection3() -> yes
fld = new MyCollection4() -> yes
fld = new ArrayList() -> yes
