首页 > 解决方案 > How to make ".well-known/pki-validation/fileauth.txt" publicly accessible in cakePHP 2x?


I have the CakePHP 2x framework installed on my www.abc.com apache server. I issued an SSL certificate successfully and suggested to place the auth file on ".well-known/pki-validation/" location, that is done already. they suggest like ".well-known/pki-validation/fileauth.txt" should be publicly accessible.

when i am trying to access "www.abc.com/.well-known/pki-validation/fileauth.txt" i am getting following error

Fatal error: Call to a member function link() on null in /home/fmfcom/public_html/app/views/layouts/default.ctp on line 18

How do we make it done?


标签: php.htaccesssslcakephp-2.0


CakePHP 2 默认的公共文件夹是: /app/webroot 您可以检查您的服务器发布文件夹是否正确设置为上述,如果没有,您将面临这种静态文件问题,您的服务器可能必须指向类似/public_html/app/webroot服务器是否基于 Ubuntu检查是否启用了 Apache mod_rewrite,以sudo a2enmod rewrite在控制台中启用类型,在所有更改后重新启动 Apache。
