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您好我正在尝试在 Unix 服务器上定义和运行 SAS 宏。

options symbolgen mprint mlogic;
*options nosymbolgen nomprint nomlogic;


%let trend_MM = 1;
%let run_date = &sysdate.;

/* loop through Trend_MM number of times to retrieve the MTR completed per each month. */
%macro Trend();
%local start_dt;
%local end_dt;
%local i;

/* loop through each month */
%do i = &Trend_MM. %to 0 %by -1;

/* Calculate set start/end dates to start/end of month */
%let start_dt = %qsysfunc(intnx(month,"&run_date."d,%eval(-1*&i.),b),date9.);
%let end_dt = %qsysfunc(intnx(month,"&run_date."d,%eval(-1*&i).,e),date9.);

    /* select MTR claims in month */
    proc sql;
        create table MTR_&i. as
        select a.claim_id_360
              /* v02: a) export date part of the timestamp */
              ,datepart(a.timestamp) as timestamp_dt
              ,case when b.claim_id_360 is not missing then "Y" else "N" end as MTR_compl
              ,b.last_MTR_comp format = ddmmyy10.
            /* Base population are all claims where final status is not   */
             select distinct *
             from allg360r._travel_rfe_state_change_hist
             (keep = claim_id_360 claim_id_external timestamp status_data status_label RFE_template_name brand_name)
             where datepart(timestamp) between "&start_dt."d and "&end_dt."d
             group by claim_id_360 
             having timestamp = max(timestamp) and strip(upcase(status_label)) ne "Move to Review"
            ) a

            left join 
        /*     subset with claims that have had a  status in the reference period to obtain  */
        /*     claims that have had such status completed in the period.                                     */
        /*     Also retrieve date of last MTR completed                                                      */
             select distinct claim_id_360, datepart(timestamp) as last_MTR_comp
             from allg360r._travel_rfe_state_change_hist
             (keep = claim_id_360 claim_id_external timestamp status_data status_label RFE_template_name brand_name)
             where (datepart(timestamp) between "&start_dt."d and "&end_dt."d) and status_label = "Move to Review"
             group by claim_id_360
             having timestamp = max(timestamp)
            ) b
            on a.claim_id_360 = b.claim_id_360

            left join 

        /*   Add count of how many since inception of claim  */
        /* v02: b) count how many times in MTR since beginning */
             select distinct
                   ,count(claim_id_360) as MTR_count
             from allg360r._travel_rfe_state_change_hist
             (keep = claim_id_360 claim_id_external timestamp status_data status_label RFE_template_name brand_name)
             where status_label = "Move to Review"
             group by claim_id_360
            ) C
            on a.claim_id_360 = c.claim_id_360

    /* create/append to dataset of all months */

    %if &i. = &trend_MM. %then 
        proc sql;
            drop table work.MTR;
            create table work.MTR like work.MTR_&i.;

    proc append base = work.MTR data = work.MTR_&i.;

%mend Trend;




第995章 ---------- 180

错误 180-322:语句无效或使用顺序不正确。



标签: unixservermacrossas


原因是 - 你用括号定义了你的宏()


