首页 > 解决方案 > 在 1.5 秒内找到超过 2000 万个 3 到 4 个不同整数的中位数


我正在尝试排序并找到仅包含 3 到 4 个不同整数的整数字符串的中位数。

我正在处理的数字数量约为 20 到 2500 万,我应该对向量进行排序并在每次将新整数添加到向量中时找到中值并将中值添加到单独的“总计”变量中每次生成中位数时,它会汇总所有中位数。

1                   Median: 1              Total: 1
1 , 2               Median: (1+2)/2 = 1    Total: 1 + 1 = 2
1 , 2 , 3           Median: 2              Total: 2 + 2 = 4
1 , 1 , 2 , 3       Median: (1+2)/2 = 1    Total: 4 + 1 = 5
1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 3   Median: 1              Total: 5 + 1 = 6

我正在尝试找到一种方法来进一步优化我的代码,因为它不够高效。(必须在 2 秒左右的时间内处理)有谁知道如何进一步加快我的代码逻辑?

我目前在 C++ 中使用 2 个堆或优先级队列。一个用作最大堆,另一个用作最小堆。


You can use 2 heaps, that we will call Left and Right.
Left is a Max-Heap.
Right is a Min-Heap.
Insertion is done like this:

If the new element x is smaller than the root of Left then we insert x to 
Else we insert x to Right.
If after insertion Left has count of elements that is greater than 1 from 
the count of elements of Right, then we call Extract-Max on Left and insert 
it to Right.
Else if after insertion Right has count of elements that is greater than the 
count of elements of Left, then we call Extract-Min on Right and insert it 
to Left.
The median is always the root of Left.

So insertion is done in O(lg n) time and getting the median is done in O(1) 


标签: c++performancedata-structuresbig-omedian



class MedianFinder
  MedianFinder(const std::vector<int>& inputString)
    for (int element : inputString)
      _counts[element]++; // Inserts 0 into map if element is not in there.

  void addStringEntry(int entry)

  int getMedian() const
    size_t numberOfElements = 0;
    for (auto kvp : _counts)
      numberOfElements += kvp.second;

    size_t cumulativeCount = 0;
    int lastValueBeforeMedian;
    for (auto kvp : _counts)
      cumulativeCount += kvp.second;
      if (cumulativeCount >= numberOfElements/2)
        lastValueBeforeMedian = kvp.first;

    // TODO! Handle the case of the median being in between two buckets.
    //return ...

  std::map<int, size_t> _counts;

